Fiat money is
an oxymoron. Traditionally, money has been both a storehouse of value and a
medium of exchange. Fiat money exists by mimicking both; but when its ability to do so ends, fiat money exposed
for what it is, reverts to
what it is – government issued
coupons with expiration dates printed
in invisible ink

Fiat money distorts the time value
of money and in so doing destroys both money and the economies that use it. Real
money like gold and silver has value over time, the greater its value and the
longer it endures, the more likely it will be accepted as money.

Throughout history, gold and
silver have demonstrated such utility and as a consequence both have been used
as money for thousands of years. Unfortunately, throughout history governments
have either debased, sic diluted,
the amount of gold and silver in their coins or attempted to circumvent gold and
silver entirely by mandating the use of paper money, sic fiat.

This is why:

Wealth, e.g.
money, is power in a stored state.
Unleashed, wealth is capable of doing
its possessorsbidding for better or worse. Wealth can exacerbate suffering or alleviate
it and its power to do both – usually
the former – has been coveted by governments since governments existed.

While productivity is doing more
with less, fiat money
allows governments to do more
with nothing. Fiat currencies are a
way for governments to spend
what they don’t have; and
while counterfeiting by individuals
is a crime, passing government coupons off as money is legal because governments
make the laws.


The issuance of fiat money by
governments is, in truth, a white
collar crime; and, as happens when
white collar crimes are discovered, a
highly visible paper trail leads directly back to the wrongdoers – in this case, the central

Central banks are the mechanism by
which societys productivity is
drained and indebted. Credit-based money issued by central banks turns into
debt, debt which immediately begins
to accrue compounding interest paid by productive members of society, e.g.
workers, businessmen, farmers, savers
and taxpayers. The interest, of course, is paid to bankers, non-productive
members of society.

The motives for the
co-conspirators in this crime are different but equally fulfilling.
Governments get to spend what they
don’t have and bankers get to collect interest on money that is not theirs – a
win/win for the governments and bankers and a lose/lose
for citizens and savers


The longer a fiat money system
exists, the greater the odds of economic collapse. Over time fiat credit money
destroys economies because time exacerbates the systemic flaws of credit-based, sic capital,

Capital is but the polite
word for credit and that is
why it is used. Capitalism sounds so
much better (and more like money) than creditism. The word capital implies a "moneyness" that does not

Credit turns into debt and over
time in fiat money systems the growth
of debt overwhelms the ability of
producers and savers to service it
. This is
why debt markets, e.g. bond markets,
are now so much larger than equity
markets and why defaults involve
increasingly larger and larger amounts. In the current fiat money system,
time is running out


Time also contributes to the
destruction of the "value" of fiat money. The continual issuance of fiat credit
money expands the amount of fiat "money" in circulation and thereby
lowers the value of all previously
issued currency.

This is why savers are penalized in fiat credit based
economies. Savings, measured in terms of constantly declining dollars, are
worth less over time.
In the 95 years since the
creation of credit based money by the Federal Reserve, the US dollar has lost 95
% of its purchasing power

In fiat credit-based economies,
savers are penalized and speculators are rewarded. And while this is welcomed by Wall Street, it is a death
warrant for Main Street. In the
US over the past twenty years, while Wall Street has expanded, Main Street has

The shift in America from a
productive to a speculative economy is evidenced by the recent
growth and dominance of financial
"services" companies, e.g. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, BofA, Morgan Stanley,
Lehman Bros, Wachovia, etc. – their only "service", of course, is a uniquely
destructive and deadly form of "self-service".

Over time, parasites
will kill the body on which they live and this can be seen in the current
decline of the United
. The decline of America was not caused by outside forces, e.g. communism,
terrorism, illegal immigration, currency manipulation or product dumping as the
US corporate controlled media
would have Americans believe.
The decline of America
was an inside

The collapse of the US came
from within. In 1913, the US replaced its savings based currency
with fiat debt-based money issued by
the Federal Reserve System, a consortium of European and US private banks
whose intent was to profit from the growing productivity of America – and profit they did but to the
detriment of America.

Since 1913, the Federal Reserve
System has helped Wall Street bankers leach and indebt the productivity of
American businesses and workers until
America is now but a shadow of its former self. As the fortunes of Wall Streets
rose, Americas fortunes


CREDIT (step
forward) DEBT (stumble) DEFAULT

Its been 95 years since the
Federal Reserve System and its credit based money took over the
US economy. Now, the United States, once the
worlds only creditor is by far its
largest debtor. A report from the Federal Reserve in 2006 stated the
US is technically bankrupt
with $65.9 trillion in irreconcilable
obligations. Currently, the
US can only pay its debts by issuing
new debt. Default comes


In 2013, in only five years the
Federal Reserve System will celebrate
its 100th birthday in America, the celebration of 100 years of bankers,
financiers and corporate CEOs dismantling the productivity of
America for personal

It is my belief the next five
years will determine
Americas destiny. Once seen as a
beacon, it is now distrusted and
feared and rightly so. Those who bled
this nation dry are still in control and the American people,
Americas only hope, are not
even aware of what has happened; and, if America is to be
saved, there is not much time left in which to do so.

The odds aren’t good and
Americans, heavily indebted and addicted to credit, are still hoping the Federal
Reserve can save them, much as a patient hopes doctors will provide the right medicines, not
knowing the doctors are getting
kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies and are skimming prescriptions for
their own

In fiat based economies, time is
the enemy and 95 years have passed since fiat money was introduced into the US. In
America and elsewhere time is passing and the clock is ticking and
recently its been sounding more and more like a time

It is hoped the election of a
new president will save America. It won’t. Democracy, once the hope of the
world, is now its greatest disappointment. Money – and fiat money
at that – has subverted the democratic process everywhere; and today, in all nations, politicians from
both conservative and liberal parties dance to fiat moneys funereal beat – in a
mockery of democracys original intent.


Nations, as well as people, can pass away in their sleep; and unless the American people
wake up and wake up soon, their slumber will be the death rattle of what was
recently the greatest nation on earth.

In just two weeks,
on July 4th 2008, the United
will celebrate its 232nd birthday. But during its
last 95 years, fiat money courtesy of the Federal Reserve System has steadily
eroded the economic foundations of America. Once the wealthiest nation in the world, it is no longer. The cause is clear. So is the

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