The Friday Show

Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer

Discussing the Topics Important to You

Life in Lancaster County, The place for the Amish culture

We talk about Seyfried’s work with cancer and knowing the cause and cures

The Master cleanser, an interesting way to water fast for several weeks

NY ticketing restaurants for burning wood fire pizza stoves.

What’s up with the idea of being married before engaging in sexual intimacy?

Perhaps intimacy is meant to  happen on the spiritual and emotional level before physical

How do we, ‘Trust God and Tie are camel?” The meaning?

Contemplating seed taught to Patrick, “Have a conversation with the most secret part of yourself with the most secret part of yourself”

Sean calls and we talk about making a LIfe Claim and legally taking the right to our voice, face, fingerprints etc.

Some of the emails:

I can only speak for myself, but as a married 40 something male, I struggle more with what the full intention of sexual relationships are today than when I was in my teens or twenties. I personally value the act and have for my entire life viewed it as a whole lot more than purely physical.

Advocating for the rights of animals to continue living out their lives without being slaughtered is not being on a “high horse.” Thank goodness for those who advocate for animals, because animals cannot advocate for themselves, and we can see how horribly they suffer when they are being killed.

My daughter had Lyme at age 6 and it was horrifying. None of her symptoms made a lick of sense. To make matters worse, Boston Childrens “Hospital” prescribed toxic antibiotics making her even worse. I did a delayed vax schedule with her so this adds up based on what Dr D is saying. I vaxxed hesitantly but out of ignorance. I will NEVER vax anyone in my family ever again.

40% of the people on this planet have never had a conversation with the voice in our heads. In fact they have never heard that voice. When I found out this fact I was shocked.

Covid is claimed to be caused by a bio virus. Yet no one has prove existence of any bio virus. People you mentioned did not prove it too besides speculating about what causes disease symptoms.

Covid absolutely exists as a bioweapon to wipe out humanity! This interview is ridiculous and ignorant. Ignoring the research of Dr. Ardis, Mihalcea, Chetty and a few others

Please consider featuring doctors who offer remedies that don’t involve contributing to the suffering and slaughter of animals. I mean, how many pigs have to be slaughtered to obtain a pound of pigs’ ears?

We’re having technical difficulties with our audio links for this show. Check out the show on Bitchute

part one

part two

'The Friday Show | Sex, Master Cleanse, Lyme, Cancer, Sleep & More | June 30, 2023' has no comments

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