The Hive Mind

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

We’re all trapped inside the Hive Mind to a greater or lesser extent.

The greatest obstacle to Free Choice is thinking you already have Free Choice.

The only cell in the body that has Free Choice is a cancer cell.


Agent Smith tells Morpheus in The Matrix (1999) …”

“Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not.

“You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area.

“There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus.”


Cesare Lombroso (The Man of Genius, 1896) wrote …

“At Aix-la-Chapelle, in 1374, there spread, from epileptics and choreics to the people in general — affecting even decrepit old men and pregnant women — a mania for dancing in the public squares, crying, ‘Here Sant Johan, so so, vrisch und vro!’ This was accompanied by religious hallucinations, in which they saw heaven opened, and within it, the assembly of the blessed. The subjects also had an antipathy to anything red, unlike tarantula subjects who are madly attracted to red. The mania extended to Cologne, where 500 persons were seized with it; thence to Metz, where there were 1,100 dancers, Strasberg, and other places. Nor did it cease speedily, for it recurred periodically in subsequent years; and on the day of St. Vitus (probably chosen as a patron on account of the Celtic etymology of his name) thousands of dances took places near his relics. In 1623 these pilgrimages still continued.

“Most curious is that epidemic mania for pilgrimages, developed among children in the Middle Ages. When men’s minds were cast down with grief for the loss of the Holy Land, in 1212, a shepherd-boy of Cloes, in Vendôme. thought himself sent by God, who had appeared to him in the shape of an unknown man, accepted bread from him, and entrusted him with a letter for the king. All the sons of the neighbouring shepherds flocked to him; 30,000 men became his followers. Soon there arose other prophets of eight years old, who preached, worked miracles, and led hosts of delirious children to the new saint at Cloes. They made their way to Marseilles, where the sea was to withdraw its waves in order to let them pass over dry-shod to Jerusalem. In spite of the opposition of the king and their parents, and the hardships of the journey, they reached the sea, were put on board ship by two unscrupulous merchants, and sold as slaves in the East.”


We live inside a Mass Formation Psychosis. Your experience of it might be less melodramatic, but rest assured, you are a prisoner.

Maybe it’s time to plan your escape?

Maybe it’s time to find the Projectionist?


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