The Real World of Money


Andrew Gause

November 12, 2011

“The wheels could easily come off the bus”-Andrew Gause

Patrick and Andrew were in top form tonight in this unusually witty interview. Where else could you go to to get the truth on the global financial disaster with such humor? That’s why we love them. Topics Tonight:

-Italy, Greece, Europe and the Euro

-G20 Summit-This once very secretive unformal conference, made up of the money people of different countries, has a stated mission of globalization.

-The Iraqi Dinar-Don’t use it to start your nightly fire just yet, Andrew has some suggestions if you’re holding them.

-The CPI and other fairy tales

-Exxon Mobil-Guess how much they’ve given to the politicians in recent years.

-Patricks silly satire of Gov. Perrys brain blackout

-The root of the mortgage crisis and the light at the end of the tunnel

-The Hegelian Dialectic-The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution. If we do not understand how the Hegelian dialectic shapes our perceptions of the world, then we do not know how we are helping to implement the vision. When we remain locked into dialectical thinking, we cannot see out of the box.

-Silver-Listen closely. Andrew has some news on it.

-Underwriting bonds

-The Woes of the Social Security Trust Fund simply explained

and so much more!

Enjoy the show!

Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646.

Visit Andrews Website

andrew gause, real world of money, nov 13, 2011, hour one

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Globalization: Coming Out of Secrecy – November 12, 2011' has 1 comment

  1. November 16, 2011 @ 11:26 am Anti-State

    Just heard you state that Joe was wrong on you Saturday show. While I agree somewhat that encouraging home ownership is not the sole problem, you state that the marketplace created the demand and banks created securitization. I agree, why?

    Artificially low interest rates, government policy and the FED.

    The Crisis of Credit Visualized

    You further state that deregulation was the problem.

    ‘Repeal’ of Glass-Steagall Irrelevant to Financial Crisis

    Although we’ve heard a great deal about how “deregulation” caused the financial crisis, specific cases of repealed legislation that would have prevented it are few and far between. The one some progressives seem to have settled on is the “repeal” of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which separated commercial from investment banking. The “repeal” involved only one provision of the Act, the one preventing the same holding company from controlling both a commercial bank and an investment bank.

    I’ll try to write more on this when I have time (for now, I’ll note that I cover the subject in Rollback, my book from earlier this year). When we recall that stand-alone institutions, both commercial and investment, also failed during the crisis, and that all of them acquired mortgage-backed securities (which they had always been allowed to do, by the way), the Glass-Steagall “repeal” looks more and more like a red herring that appeals to people whose belief system requires them to find some way a Fed-fueled bubble could have been stopped had the right regulatory structure been in place.

    (The problem with those who point to Glass-Steagall is not that they’re radical. It’s that they’re not nearly radical enough. They think the system as is, shot through with moral hazard at every level, and presided over by a market-defying central bank, is of its nature stable and without fault; we just need a few regulations.)

    Because Glass-Steagall was passed during the Depression, it is assumed that it was addressing a pressing need of the time. In fact, the lack of government-enforced division between commercial and investment banking had precisely zero to do with bank problems during the Great Depression. The 9,000 bank failures during the early 1930s had far more to do with the damage done by government regulation — namely, the unit-banking laws that made it difficult for banks to diversify their portfolios (by limiting them to a single office and making branching illegal) — than with a lack of regulation. These were small banks, not the behemoths for which Glass-Steagall would have been relevant. Canada had none of these stifling regulations, and had zero bank failures. (Incidentally, Canada also avoided all the post-Civil War bank panics that struck the U.S., even though Canada did not have a central bank until 1934 — yet again, reality refuses to conform to the where-would-we-be-without-our-wise-overlords comic-book version of events.)

    The Glass-Steagall-did-it crowd is the same crowd that likes to claim Canada avoided the worst of the U.S. crisis because it was so much better regulated. But they can’t have it both ways — Canada did not have a Glass-Steagall law! (For the real story on what happened in Canada, click here.)

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