Andrew Gause

Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

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Andrew opines on the financial side of The President’s Speech
Source material shows the USG is borrowing more money ongoing than previous months

Will Nationalism cost more than a Globalist President, and after He’s gone will the USG go back to Globalist agenda

eighteen to thirty five year old American’s are incredibly unskilled

What are your retirement funds going to purchase in twenty years?

Bezo’s, Buffet and J.P. Morgan’s Dimon to start their own health insurance company

The Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds – Crypto Currnecies

President Trump has a plan on making the whole Infrastructure deal to work

The USG looking at going 5G everywhere for all American’s

Listener sends us a link to Ray Dailo and Tony Robbins talk on being a billionaire


Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, January 31, 2018, ONE

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money, January 31, 2018, TWO

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – The President’s Going Shopping for Lots of Stuff – January 31, 2018' has no comments

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