The Tao of Bloat

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Blowfish “circus-freak biology” is not limited to the ocean.

Robert Chuckrow (“Interpreting Your Weight Gain or Loss,” 1997) correctly wrote …

“Fat molecules consist primarily of long carbon chains containing hydrogen and carbon atoms in the ratio 2:1, respectively. When fat is burned in the body, its hydrogen and carbon atoms combine with oxygen to form H2O (water) and CO2 (carbon dioxide). These chemical formulas mean that two atoms of hydrogen (H2) combine with one atom of oxygen (O) to form one molecule of water (H2O) and that one atom of carbon (C) combines with two atoms of oxygen (O2) to form one molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2). Hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms have relative masses of 1, 12, and 16, respectively. It follows from these facts that every pound of fat contains approximately 1/7 lb of hydrogen and 6/7 lb of carbon, and, when burned, every pound of fat combines with about 3.4 lb of oxygen to produce about 1.3 lb of water and 3.1 lb of carbon dioxide.”

Other weight-loss “experts” are finally arriving at the first half of the Tao of Bloat.

But they just can’t “grok” its REVERSE. How did the weight show up in the first place?

Allow me to revise the above quote …

“Fat molecules consist primarily of long carbon chains containing hydrogen and carbon atoms in the ratio 2:1, respectively. When fat is STORED in the body, its hydrogen and carbon atoms combine with oxygen to form FAT. Two atoms of hydrogen (H2) combine with one atom of oxygen (O) to form one molecule of water (H2O) and that one atom of carbon (C) combines with two atoms of oxygen (O2) to form one molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2) to CREATE FAT. Hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms have relative masses of 1, 12, and 16, respectively. It follows from these facts that every pound of fat contains approximately 1/7 lb of hydrogen and 6/7 lb of carbon. Every pound of fat is CREATED OUT OF 1.3 lb of water and 3.1 lb of carbon dioxide.”


A Yogi’s instantaneous “inflational fortitude” is less amazing than a blowfish expanding “with no air in the ocean.”

An inflated blowfish absorbs four times more oxygen through its gills than it does when deflated.

Until 2014, scientists thought blowfishes were holding their breath while inflated. As usual, they had it backwards.

Let’s take Gilbert L. Ling’s “Revolution in the Living Cell” to its Outer Limits and Final Destination.


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