Patrick Timpone

The “Virus” has no clothes….for immature audiences only

How can it be a benefit to believe that something can hurt us?

What makes us believe what we read in books versus what we learn from our own experience?

What makes us think we’re other than God?

Lynn phones in from western Nebraska. She talks about Chris Masterjohn’s views about the antioxidant system.

“This whole idea of separateness is really the key.”

The Great Reset’s whole scam is to make us think we’re separate so that we’ll fight with each other.

Atom writes in, “The Initiate lives the life of the exception to the rule. He does not live a life of statistics.”

“It takes a long time to get young,” says Patrick. He’s writing a book by the same title.

“We’re not living in the Matrix. We only live in the Matrix when we choose to.” Once you take the Red Pill, we can stay out of it as long as you want to, and only go back in when we want to.

What is the cause of anything? We want to be the cause, not the effect. It’s OK to be the effect of something as long as it’s a conscious decision.

It’s time to stop living in the Matrix. It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee.

A listener asks about 5G. What does it have to do with planetary consciousness? “The Earth is just not going to take you there,” explains Patrick.

We’re in a reality that’s “so bonkers” that our job is not to get caught up in it, and help others to do the same.

“Every spiritual path since the beginning of time has said the same thing about going within.” There’s nothing outside that can teach you what you can learn without going within.

Did Donald Trump really go to Switzerland on Air Force One on March 1st of this year?

Why did Patrick attempt to contact Governor Greg Abbott?

Atom writes in, “”California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing massive backlash after criticizing Texas Governor Greg Abbott.”

Can the “New California Movement” succeed?

Why is John McAfee being indicted?

Why has the Fed discontinued the M2 money supply measurement? Why was the M3 discontinued in the 1990s?

“It’s always what you know to be true in your heart,” affirms Patrick.

Neville asks, “Do you own any crypto?”

“The only way the dollar crashes is if they run out of zeroes,” Patrick says, quoting Andy Gause.

Patrick describes how he didn’t follow his intuition on Monday to buy oil futures.

Vince asks about starting his own podcast.

Atom writes in, “Dr. Seuss is banned, it’s politically incorrect to say MISTER Potato Head, but W.A.P. is the Number One song all over the world now.”

Mary asks about David Blaine’s breath-holding technique.

Patrick plays a Governor Greg Abbott video about Big Tech silencing free speech.

Is the U.K. the “mother lode” of the Deep State?

“The body ages because we create time and angst,” says Patrick.

What does Patrick think about the rumor that John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his own death?

'Patrick Timpone – The “Virus” Has No Clothes; It’s Time to Stop Living In the Matrix – March 5, 2021' have 3 comments

  1. March 7, 2021 @ 1:20 pm Mary

    Hi Patrick,

    Was curious what you think about Dr. Brownstein’s usage of nebulizer hydrogen peroxide….how is this different than the Brown’s gas in terms of what it does to the body? I mention this because Dr. David Brownstein touches on the topics Lynne was asking about, e.g. antioxidants vs. Oxidants. Addressing the redox pathway helps to understand why oxidants are good & necessary.

    I emailed you about considering/inviting Zachary K. Hubbard on your show. His work is relatively new to me…I find it fascinating and believe your ‘red pilled’ listeners would likewise find it compelling. Of the many that’ve been censored & hushed, he’s one who presents work that hasn’t ‘found a home or haven in any particular community…hard to classify his work (e.g. not financial, holistic healthy, etc.).

    His non deleted YouTube channel is gematria effect sports, and Gematria Effect News 21 with Zachary K Hubbard.. His website is GematriaEffect.News

    Thank you, Patrick…Love having your shows in times like these…excited to brush my teeth with pearlcium, too!


  2. March 8, 2021 @ 1:13 am VEE

    SHOW ME!


    • March 8, 2021 @ 9:19 am patrick

      Vee…..thanks so much…..good find…patrick


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