There Is No Spoon
According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …
“The eyes constantly oscillate, otherwise reality would disappear.”
“There is no spoon,” says the little boy to Neo in The Matrix movie.
“Reality” is your own residual self-image.
What is “real” is merely electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
“Do you think that’s air you’re breathing?” Morpheus asks in the same movie.
Robert Guffey, “Synchronistic Linguistics in The Matrix,” Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader, Winter 2000) wrote …
“Morpheus offers Neo two pills, one red and one blue, an obvious parallel to the ‘Drink Me’ sequence in Alice in Wonderland. After he swallows the red pill Neo begins to, in Jack True’s terms, ‘wake up,’ (i.e., return to the first nature). The effects of the illusion of visual space slipping away from Neo is presented as an experience akin to an hallucinatory trip on LSD. Neo reaches out for a mirror, which represents visual space. To his surprise the mirror begins to dissolve and his fingers slip through the glass as if it’s made of viscous liquid.”
According to Swami Nitty-Gritty …
“Total convex vision is God-realization. You are the most unique radarscope when you slow the brain down to slow the respiration down.”
According to Paramahansa Yogananda …
“The spiritual eye is a metaphysical telescope through which one can see to infinity in all directions simultaneously, beholding with omnipresent spherical vision whatever is happening in any point of creation.”
'There Is No Spoon' have 2 comments
April 7, 2021 @ 7:10 am Atom
According to the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) …
“Iodine and its compounds are used in a variety of food-related applications including nutrient fortification (i.e. iodized salt), food additives (e.g., DOUGH CONDITIONING and MATURING AGENTS), agricultural chemicals (e.g. HERBICIDES and FUNGICIDES), animal drugs (e.g. iodine supplements), and sanitizers (e.g. IODOPHORS). In addition, certain foods, such as marine fish and marine algae, are naturally relatively rich in iodine. The iodine content of foods is generally reflective of background levels as well as processing technology and manufacturing practices. For example, the high iodine content of milk and dairy products has been attributed to the use of iodine-containing supplements in feed for DAIRY cattle, iodophor-based medications, teat dips and udder washes as well as IODOPHORS used as sanitizing agents in DAIRY processing establishments. The elevated iodine levels found in GRAIN and CEREAL products are related to endogenous iodine in ingredients but, in addition, likely reflects the use of iodine-containing food additives, such as IODATE DOUGH CONDITIONERS. Dietary iodine intakes have been estimated in various countries and indeed are highly correlated with the types (and amounts) of foods consumed. Nevertheless, average iodine intakes of the order of 1 mg/person were not uncommon and in a few instances intakes of several mg/person were reported when seaweed was consumed as part of the diet (Fischer & Giroux, 1987a; Fischer & Giroux, 1987b; Varo et al., 1982; Park et al., 1981; Pennington et al., 1986; Katamine et al., 1986 and Tajiri et al., 1986).”
(Capital letters are added by me.)
April 7, 2021 @ 7:11 am Atom
CAM photosynthesis in bromeliads and agaves marches to a different circadian drummer than C3 and C4 plants.