Thyroid & Heart In Tandem
Why is the thyroid gland responsible for so many heart attacks?
The thyroid and heart started out together in fetal development and remain in close contact.
Too little or too much iodine can hurt both of them.
The pericardium finger is the middle finger. The Circulation-Sex Meridian ends there.
The thyroid finger is the ring finger. The Triple Heater Meridian begins there.
The heart (and small intestine) finger is the pinky finger. The Heart Meridian ends there.
The teres minor is the Touch For Health muscle response test for the thyroid gland.
The subscapularis is the Touch For Health muscle response test for the heart.
They share the identical Front and Back Neuro-Lymphatic Points …
Between 2-3 ribs, near the sternum.
Between thoracic 2-3, one inch to either side of the spine.
The teres minor and the subscapularis both belong to the rotator cuff group of muscles and tendons.
Be kind to your rotator cuff for the sake of both your thyroid and heart.
According to an extended study by Broda Barnes, M.D. (Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness, 1976, page 14) …
“Thus, with seventy-two cases of heart disease to be expected based on national statistics and with only four actually developing, treatment for hypothyroidism produced 94 percent protection.”
Ray Peat (“Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud,” 2006) wrote …
“[Broda] Barnes experimented on rabbits, and found that when their thyroid glands were removed, they developed atherosclerosis, just as hypothyroid people did. By the mid-1930s, it was generally known that hypothyroidism causes the cholesterol level in the blood to increase; hypercholesterolemia was a diagnostic sign of hypothyroidism. Administering a thyroid supplement, blood cholesterol came down to normal exactly as the basal metabolic rate came up to the normal rate. The biology of atherosclerotic heart disease was basically solved before the second world war.”
It makes sense that sticking out the tongue is crucial for thyroid health.
Less obvious is that it’s important for heart health.
According to Chinese acupuncture-related medicine, “Heart is represented by the tip of the tongue.”
'Thyroid & Heart In Tandem' have 2 comments
March 12, 2019 @ 12:41 am Atom
According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …
“Most arguments occur between women and men at Thyroid Time.”–e-books.php
December 6, 2021 @ 10:56 am irene
I blame high dose of lugols iodine for my thyroid problems(taken 4 months). I still hope that my thyroid would turn back to normal one day and stop being hashimato and hypo. R.Peat and his admirers make me scared cause so many things go wrong with all the supplementation.
Is there a way to heal thyroid without being forever dependent to beaker boys or snakeoilsalesman? i became severely hypo with taschicardia while trying to avoid beaker boys and trying other lab products. And now i have fallen for the beaker boys :(
It is not written anywhere i know but maybe you know: is there any other way to heal the heart and thyroid without taking thyroid supp.?