Patrick Timpone
Tom Campbell
Physicist and Consciousness Expert
Tom Campbell began researching altered states of consciousness withBob Monroe Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journeys, and The Ultimate Journey) at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s where he and a few others were instrumental in getting Monroe’s laboratory for the study of consciousness up and running. These early drug-free consciousness pioneers helped design experiments, developed the technology for creating specific altered states, and were the main subjects of study (guinea pigs) all at the same time. Campbell has been experimenting with, and exploring the subjective and objective mind ever since. For the past thirty years, Campbell has been focused on scientifically exploring the properties, boundaries, and abilities of consciousness.
Show Highlights:
-Tom tells us he’s hard at work on a book about the male and female genders at a fundamental level
-On a soul level, we are neither male nor female
-Relationships are where the action is for spiritual growth
-How can there be randomness and synchronicity?
-The randomness is what makes life so interesting
-The more you become aware, there really is no longer a subconscious
-Insecurity is another word for fear; if you want to manipulate people, you find out what they fear; it seems easy to just say to let go of one’s fears. Is there some practical advice for one to let go of one’s fears or traumas?
-Meditation allows you to get to know yourself at a deep level
-Using drugs to find a higher consciousness is just like taking a thrill ride; not a great thing to do in the long run as there’s very little learning in that
-How does ‘GOD’ fit into all this?
-Owning who we are and letting go of things which are unproductive
-The thousands of different ways to meditate
-How do reincarnation & karma play out in consciousness love & how can we consciously create more synchronicity, more often in our life?
-Are those in leadership positions any more spiritually evolved than others?
and so much more!
Tom Campbell began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journeys, and The Ultimate Journey) at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s where he and a few others were instrumental in getting Monroe’s laboratory for the study of consciousness up and running. These early drug-free consciousness pioneers helped design experiments, developed the technology for creating specific altered states, and were the main subjects of study (guinea pigs) all at the same time. Campbell has been experimenting with, and exploring the subjective and objective mind ever since. For the past thirty years, Campbell has been focused on scientifically exploring the properties, boundaries, and abilities of consciousness.
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tom campbell and the theory of everything, septmeber 11, 2014
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