Tom Luongo

Publisher of Gold, Goats n’ Guns Newsletter

Tom Luongo is a former research chemist and writer on markets, culture and geopolitics.  He publishes regularly on his blog, Gold, Goats ‘n Guns at as well as the Gold Goats ‘n Guns Monthly Newsletter which provides a portfolio strategy for retail-level investors to make sense of today’s global/macro environment.  His work can be seen regularly on such sites as Zerohedge, and The Duran. Mr. Luongo is also a regular contributor at Money & Markets, Strategic Culture Foundation and edits the Ultimate Wealth Report monthly newsletter for Newsmax while also contributing to Financial Intelligence Report. 

He’s one of the original investors in bitcoin (2010). “I’ve been in bitcoin since it was a meme. I wrote one of the first articles on bitcoin in July, 2010.”
According to Luongo, “I was an early adopter of podcasts. I had been in the alternative money field for years.”
Luongo bought bitcoin when it was 2 or 3 cents a coin. It topped out at $48,000 a coin this morning. Unfortunately, his cryptocurrency wallet was hacked, and he lost all of his bitcoins.
In 2016, he got back into buying several variations of cryptocurrency because his “cynicism overlapped his futurism.”
What are the properties of cryptocurrency that traders like?
“I’m not a bitcoin nationalist — One Coin to Rule Them All.”
“Let a thousand flowers bloom, as the great Lew Rockwell once told me,” and Tom Luongo explains why.
Will sovereign money outcompete fake assets?
Which cryptocurrency is best to buy now?
Elon Musk bought 1.5 billion bitcoins, and you can buy a Tesla Model S for two bitcoins.
Which credit cards will make it available to purchase products with bitcoins?
Why is “old money” necessary to keep the present monetary system afloat?
What is Milton Friedman’s “House of Horrors”?
How will sunspots and Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” affect the world’s food supply?
Why did Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have nothing nice to say about the Fourth Industrial Revolution when they spoke at Davos yesterday?
Biden has shut down the Keystone Pipeline. How will this affect people in Michigan and Wisconsin?
What about the voter fraud in the 2020 election? How can the Democrats do it? “What do you mean, how can they do it? They’re DOING it!”
Will their be a backlash in 2022?
The clarion call of Sustainable Development is, “You’re saving the planet by killing the people who are opposing the Great Reset.”
Why is plant protein bad for you? Why is Luongo a proponent of a meat, dairy, and salt diet? What has it done for his health?
Patrick and Luongo discuss the Cancel Culture, and the latest truth-teller to be deplatformed.
“I’ve seen it coming since 2016. I say the wrong thing every time I get out of bed in the morning,” jests Luongo. He was one of the first people to sign up for gab.
What should you do in these times of Might makes Right? “The best thing you can do is hunker down.”
When the reality is “everybody’s turning into a snitch,” Luongo gives comprehensive survival advice.

Tom Luongo of Goats, Guns and Gold with his semi regular visits on the financial system, February 11, 2021

'Tom Luongo – BitCoin, Cancel Culture, the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset & More – February 11, 2021' has 1 comment

  1. February 15, 2021 @ 12:48 pm Jd Stew

    Funny how someone that knows who runs the world would think that crypto was invented by some person trying to make a system not controlled by the bankers
    Funny how someone that knows and believes on 9/11 that 2 planes did not implode 3 buildings.
    Common sense from a 10 year old that does research knows the bankers created crypto to such more sheep into digital


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