Tom Luongo

Publisher of Gold, Goats n’ Guns Newsletter

Tom Luongo is a former research chemist and writer on markets, culture and geopolitics.  He publishes regularly on his blog, Gold, Goats ‘n Guns at as well as the Gold Goats ‘n Guns Monthly Newsletter which provides a portfolio strategy for retail-level investors to make sense of today’s global/macro environment.  His work can be seen regularly on such sites as Zerohedge, and The Duran.Mr. Luongo is also a regular contributor at Money & Markets, Strategic Culture Foundation and edits the Ultimate Wealth Report monthly newsletter for Newsmax while also contributing to Financial Intelligence Report.  

Key Points we talked about:
Stock Market bombs 2,300 points

Gold, Silver and Oil all getting hammered

Luongo says we’ll see deflationary prices for assets, like today and then when they bottom. Buy, with both hands.

We’re seeing a real correction in the stock market as there is a lot going on in the world at the moment, most notably, the coronavirus pandemic. We were able to talk with Tom Luongo today and get his take on what’s going on. Fasten your seat belts folks, this is a fun look into the world of money.

Financial and geo political guru Tom Luongo gives us 90 minutes of his take of the shape of the financial markets today, March 12, 2020

'Tom Luongo – Publisher of Gold, Goats n’Guns Talks Markets and Geopolitics -March 12, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. March 16, 2020 @ 1:12 am Mark Selawry

    Fantastic guest.

    The penny dropped when he said “when the amount of money to service the debt exceeds the amount [of money] that can be created through debt, the system fails.” New money creation requires confidence (sentiment and momentum). If the demand for new debt falls due to lack of confidence, so, too, will the system. Finally, I now know the reason why Andy Gauses’ statement “we can continue until we run out of zeros” had its limitation.

    I also appreciated insights on misallocation of resources with forced low interest rates, floating currencies and more.

    I hope he becomes a regular!


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