U.S. Guns In Mexico
By Atom Bergstrom
Atom’s Blog
U.S. Citizens are losing their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
“When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”
Case in point —> Mexican drug cartels get most of their weapons from U.S. gun manufacturers.
According to El Latino (Aug. 25, 2021) …
“Mexican officials said that some of the guns made by Colt appeared to target the local market in particular, such as a pistol engraved with the face and name of Emiliano Zapata.”
“Lorenzo Meyer, an emeritus professor at the College of Mexico, told AFP news agency that U.S. law ‘makes it almost impossible for gun manufacturers to be held responsible’ for the illegal trade.”
According to the “Colt 1911 .38 Super Emiliano Zapata Centennial (One of 500)” product description …
“The Emiliano Zapata Colt is a full-sized, royal blue polished government slide and frame in .38 Super caliber. The slide is generously silver etched in a motif that reflects the revolutionary time and struggle. The design includes Mexico’s national flower, the Dahlia, a bullet hole very near the portrait and the silhouette of a famous Zapata statue. The winged heart is a religious symbol related to love. truthfulness, and loss.”
Nacha Cattan & Chris Dolmetsch (“Mexico Sues Smith & Wesson and Glock Over Cartel Violence,” Bloomberg, Aug. 4, 2021) wrote …
“Mexico filed a lawsuit in a U.S. court Wednesday against Smith & Wesson Brands Inc., Glock Inc., Sturm, Ruger & Co. and other major gun manufacturers, accusing them of contributing to gang violence south of the border.”
“In 2019, 17,000 Mexican citizens were murdered with guns manufactured in the U.S., compared to 14,000 citizens of the U.S. itself. This is despite Mexico having a smaller population and only one gun store, according to the suit.”
“The complaint names U.S.-based manufacturers ‘whose guns are most often recovered in Mexico’: Smith & Wesson, Glock and Sturm, Ruger and Co., Beretta U.S.A. Corp, Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC and Century International Arms Inc. It also names Barrett, saying its .50-caliber sniper rifle ‘is a weapon of war prized by the drug cartels,’ and Interstate Arms, a wholesaler.”
Re: Is it legal to own a Barrett sniper rifle?
According to Dr. Google …
“Even though the .50-caliber rifle is a military-grade weapon, federal gun laws treat it like any other hunting rifle, and Barrett can sell the gun to civilians.”
We can thank the Lords of Karma that it’s still legal for most U.S. citizens to buy silencers in 42 of the 50 states.
Lots of them were sold at this year’s Sturgis Rally.
It’s impolite to wake the neighbors while you’re shooting those pesky Delta variants full of bullet holes.
According to SCIMEX (Science Media Exchange), “Most people are naturally armed against severe COVID-19,” but why take chances?
'U.S. Guns In Mexico' have 2 comments
September 1, 2021 @ 6:11 pm Atom
It’s Mind over Matter because that’s the way biology is organized.
If you believe in those esoteric spinning wheels called chakras, Mind is on the third step of the ladder while Matter is on the first.
“A journey of a trillion years begins with a single step.”
September 1, 2021 @ 6:16 pm Atom
Age spots on the face and hands are reflexes to the ones in the brain, heart, liver, macula, gut, and nervous system.
Brown Bowel Disease, Shrunken Heart Disease, and Wooden Breast Disease are almost never mentioned by the Medical Police State.
Re: What are they from?
Fish oil, flax oil, soy oil, and various other oils combined with iron and other heavy metals and shredded protein fragments.