Darko Velcek
   Unique Sea Salt and Water is Critical for Health and lots of it;  There’s No Such thing as Diseases – It is all detox and healing          Â
From the time that we opened our eyes in this creation we are told what to do, how to behave, what to learn and what to believe. One thing that we are not taught is how to think. As soon as we think, questions start to appear and we are not supposed to question the “truthâ€. All what we need is provided to us by our creator. Our fear deprives us of energy. Since the energy is electricity and electro-magnetism we can aid ourselves by utilizing the miraculous instruments of Dr. Robert Beck. Since we live in time of rapid evolution new technologies are becoming available but the most important thing is the understanding of self healing capabilities that we all possess. They are imbedded in our genes and all that we need is to understand it and help the cells of our body to do their job.
The study of impotence in men let Darko into the the cause of disease
Blood flow is inhibited by toxic blood
Blood plasma = water and sea salt and cleans the blood
Blood is thicker with toxicity and causes all sorts of issues
Pain in the joints, or anywhere is a sign of toxic blood
Can sound waves be used to clear out poor circulation in the penis
Darko explains what a toroidal field in the body is and how it functions
The importance of saunas
When is it necessary to use coffee enemas
constipation is dehydration
Doubt with out absolute faith in ones belief is the fly in the ointment of healing
Raw meat, eggs and and dairy is the most potent food for humans
Sugar in any form is simply not needed
The ocean’s minerals are in exact proportion of those in the human blood
salt from the ground is not the best salt
I use distilled water and had sea salt to a glass liter jug. I just asked about the liquid minerals I can buy. Are these necessary?
Can using honey benefit cell or body or brain other than potential allergy relief? Not sure if I have heard any opinions on refined sugars also
Diet.What your guest diet is? And what exactly Seasalt he would recommend to order
I’ve had diarrhea..lots of water out the bum..for 2 years. I’ve tried everything. Do you have a suggestion for me?
Does Darko have an opinion about bamboo salt?
What’s the difference between an aneurysm and a stroke . And what causes them
Darko One
Darko Two
'Unique Sea Salt and Water is Critical for Health | March 14, 2023' have 2 comments
March 15, 2023 @ 8:27 am Timothy
Id like to believe the guest means well. however, he Sounds like another eugenist .. salt water for health…? not so..sodium chloride regulates the fluid on the out side of all cells..too much sodium chloride causes fluid retention… potassium regulates the fluid inside the cells.. if one desires the cells to detox.. up your potassium salts.. stay away from sodium chloride…Patrick, this guy is wrong about sodium chloride…
March 20, 2023 @ 8:48 pm Ted
Does anyone have a good salt connection?