Varis Ahmad


Varis Ahmad is a Polymath and a regenerative farmer. He makes videos pertaining to healthy human development, hair loss, and longevity, as well as esotericism, philosophy, geopolitics, and cultural anthropology. He does this as a hobby and for contribution to the human experience.

Varis gives the basics on how he transformed his hair to a thick  and natural color

Varis talks about how he grows wheat grass and the benefits of health and longevity

He will soon do a video on his wheat grass growing method and we’ll post the video here

A listener asks about her fertility and missing periods

Raw meat vs. cooked meat – a significant difference in nutrients

Raw organ meats are the very best if one can handle it

We talk about the need for carbohydrates of many and it depends on ones ancestral diet

Blood letting was done because of iron overload with cooked meat

A good way to gain muscle and some weight is 1tsp. of hone with 1 Tsb. of raw butter many times during the day

Raw milk is a fine way to have structured liquids

Juice from celery and cucumbers are fine ways to get structured water

Saunas are the finest way to detoxify on a daily basis.

Contact Patrick for the best price ever on the Relax  Far Infrared Sauna

Egg yolks are a fine food for the heart.

Varis believes most seafood is a challenge concerning toxins in the oceans

Find all of Varis videos on You Tube

'Varis Ahmad | Carbohydrates are Necessary for Most, Especially if One is Experimenting with Carnivore Diets | April 26, 2023' have 3 comments

  1. May 12, 2023 @ 9:22 pm Jaye

    Any chance of getting Dr Raghavan for an interview Patrick? Or Dr Richard Presser?


    • June 13, 2023 @ 1:19 am Joseph Marcello

      Ah… The pendulum always swings back, doesn’t it? Friend Patrick, who was Messianic only a short time ago on the absolute necessity of total meat… Of course, having been, in days prior to that, equally categorical about the plant food salvation, has now humbled himself to admit a return to plant-based and carbohydrate may be in order. As Edward. I’ll be, the playwright said in his play the Zoo story, sometimes one needs to go a long distance out of one’s way to come back a short distance correctly.

      Not to worry, old seeker, one day you shall find your rest, and all obsessions and extremes shall fall from your shoulders, and you should be a truly natural human being once again, just the way God originally created you… You… But first, we needs to go through the gauntlet, the mail stream, the absolute wandering in the desert for 40 years before we can come upon our homeland and know it for home at last ..

      Thanks for sharing your paraoerippeperipatetic journey with all your equally peripatetic brothers and sisters.


      • June 13, 2023 @ 2:07 am patrick

        Thanks joseph… and again as of three weeks ago, just meat, butter, eggs, raw milk and lots of fat. Every now and again I try a little carb and the
        addiction only lasts a few hours as I can tell it’s not what the body wants,

        So yes, change, trial and success is what life is about. Check in next year and I may be eating macrobiotic.


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