Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D

Renowned Nutritional Counselor

Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on progesterone and the hormones closely related to it. His main thesis is that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.

Dr. Peat had an allergic reaction to bacon cured with celery juice.  His prior higher vegetable diet led to spasms of the vocal cords- spastic dystonia.

Supplements can cause more problems than they help.

Muscle and fat contain none of the intrinsic allergens.

If you don’t eat the fiber from vegetables, you still have plenty of bulk for bowel movements.

Fiber is intrinsically irritating, but it moves things through the intestine faster so bad bacteria don’t have a chance to grow.

Antibiotics work like a laxative to keep the intestine from producing irritants.  Getting the intestine moving faster helps the hormone situation.

Low thyroid has been going on a long time.  Dr. Broda Barnes said about half the population is hypothyroid due to iodine deficiency.  But Dr. Peat doesn’t recommend iodine supplementation.  He uses Morton Canning & Pickling salt.

How about Redmond’s salt?  Says Morton’s salt is cleaner.  Mined salts can have toxins in them. 

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Black beans need to be soaked and cooked about 2 days.  Need more soaking than other beans.  If not cooked long enough, can be toxic.  Corn-want it cooked enough to be translucent.

Does the brain preferentially want fat or sugar?  Depends on the person.  Adding fruit to a carnivore diet helps prevent obesity because it satisfies the appetite better and reduces how much is eaten.

Per Life Extension Society, aspirin has the most extreme effects on life extension of anything tested.  Does it cause bleeding?  Some of it is misattribution to Tylenol or stress effects.  

Can we be different to the extent some do well on vegan diets and some do well on a carnivore diet? 

Beneficial to have a more stable blood sugar.

How much does total phosphorus intake matter if phosphorus/calcium ratio is good?  It’s the ratio that matters.  Want 1:1 if possible, but 3:1 is safe.  Meats and grains are high phosphorus.  Milk is best way to get calcium. 

How about the hormones in milk since they are pregnant most of the time>  Milking cows aren’t necessarily pregnant, depends on how they are managed.  Nonpregnant is less stressful.  The hormones aren’t an issue.

Can joints damaged by osteoarthritis be rebuilt?  Dr. Peat’s plumber restored his knee overnight with Progest-E.  Low thyroid, high estrogen is the worst combination.

87 year old female with dizziness and fluid in ear.  Is it Meniere’s Disease?  Would a diuretic be helpful?  Better results with progesterone, which is a diuretic.

Are blood tests helpful?  Dr. Peat trusts symptoms.

Avocado and avocado oil?  No reason for avocado oil.  Ripe avocados are a most pleasant food.  Can throw fat balance out if eaten to excess. 

Eggs are good In balance, but they have a powerful effect on insulin secretion.  Tend to hold blood sugar down all night because of the high quality amino acids.  Highest quality protein of all foods.  Too much oxidation from overcooking bad.

Is clarified butter or ghee the same nutritionally as butter?  Essentially yes.

Wheat bran or oat bran better for morning cereal? 

Is there an issue with a blood glucose level that stays the same all day, before and after meals, unless it drops into hypoglycemia?  Depends on how the food is cooked.

Favorite potato is boiled red potato.

If T4 plus T3 brings down the temperature, how to tell if the dose is too high or if the body is making stress hormones?  Take your temperature daily.

Are there some materials we should stop buying because of their harm to the environment?  

Is the cause of varicose veins for men different than for women?  In both, hypothyroidism has a big role.  Cortisol excess is more likely in men, estrogen excess more likely in women.   Extreme ketogenic diet can cause high cortisol.  Thinning of skin, bluish white of eye, menopause problems, constipation or diarrhea are symptoms of high cortisol.

Purple splotch on forearm.  Early sign of intestinal allergies.  Increased cortisol and estrogen destabilizing capillaries. Wrong flora of microbiome.

How to test Vitamin A levels?  Thyroid, progesterone, and Vitamin B12 intake regulate Vitamin A.  Eat a mixed diet.

Best strategies to lower high cortisol?  Reduce anything that is unpleasant and stressful.  Keep meal frequency up.

Cause of eye bags?  Stress, high cortisol, high estrogen, adrenal problems, allergenic foods.

Does coffee disrupt adrenals?  If used with food, improves energy production.  Raises cortisol on an empty stomach.

Body doesn’t produce enough potassium?   Get it from food.

Testosterone increases facial hair in women, but can make them feel better.  Probably won’t make a difference to older men.

How to reduce triglycerides despite eating low fat?  Starch, stress elevate triglycerides.  May be eating higher starch food as comfort food.  Potatoes are a good starch source.

Potatoes and meat together are a good combination.

Dangers of elevated iron levels in the body?  Danger of too many iron rich foods.  Molasses has antinutrients, iron.

Why does Dr. Peat’s voice come through clear on a listener’s speakers and everyone else sounds broken up?  His electrical field messes up cloud particles from forming in a chamber. 

'Dr. Ray Peat | Vegan vs. Carnivore; Hormones, Low Thyroid; And Dr. Peat Says He’s Off ALL Vegetables – What’s That About? | August 15, 2022' have 2 comments

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