Wayne Blakely

Founder of Living Streams Probiotics

Wayne’s son, born in 1995 began to reveal autistic behavior early on.  When this happened his mission was to figure out the cause and a cure.  In this case is was mercury poisoning.   He did extensive research and began working with scientists to develop mainly liquid probiotics to address all sorts of “issues’ that originate in the gut.

We talk about his experiences working with:

Heart disease
Acid Reflux
Auto Immune



and much more

Please go through One Radio Network when ordering products..that supports us and you at the same time.  

To receive more specifics on the products and talk to Wayne, if needed, please call 360.912.2981

After receiving some ideas on what products to purchase, please order through our site, any link to Living Streams, like the one below… or in our store.  They can not give us credit if you just order by phone.  Thank you

You can also email patrick and get his research into what particular Living Streams Probiotcs will be the best for you.

Living Streams Mission has developed and manufactures a wide range of specialized liquid probiotic formulas to meet your health and wellness needs.Living Streams Multi-Blend™ (Living Streams Probiotic™) is a natural by-product of friendly bio-organisms (probiotics) that have been specially cultured and developed to produce the natural anti-infective substances the human body was meant to receive from flora in the intestinal track. Living Streams probiotics only contain organic lab certified bacteria species that are naturally found in the human body, and does not contain bacteria obtained from soil microbes.
Processed foods (for both humans and animals), lack enzymes and other nutrients which results in poor quality intestinal flora and other health stresses. Even the normal amounts of these substances that would otherwise be there are missing in most animals and people. On top of that, because the friendly bacteria are missing from the intestinal track growth of “bad” bacteria, fungus, yeast, virus and mold colonies can seriously harm health. Even if you think you are healthy, subclinical infective processes may be at work, slowly damaging your health.

Wayne Blakely and his son’s Autism paved the way to creating his products, May 15, 2018, ONE

Wayne Blakely and his son’s Autism paved the way to creating his products, May 15, 2018, TWO

'Wayne Blakely – Living Streams Probiotics – Products Developed to Save His Son – May 15, 2018' have 4 comments

  1. May 23, 2018 @ 2:37 pm Michael

    Patrick, please make this guy a regular guest! Tons of great information and he hit on a big one that I agree with, candida is probably the biggest problem people are facing, causing so many issues they don’t even realize.


  2. November 29, 2018 @ 6:17 pm warren mandseth

    In Regards to the candida it is easy to get rid of by simply following Dr Daniels advice and taking turpentine (carefully). You can download her free Candida Cleaner report at Vitalitycapsules.com . I did this about 4 months ago and am currently taking a teaspoon twice a week along with her vitality capsules to keep things moving and I highly recommend it. I have never had a problem with candida but when I found out that it rids the body of all parasites I went ahead and did it. I also drink beer on a regular basis with no ill effects from the alcohol but that may be because I have been taking C60 for over a year now. Never felt better and cant wait to up it another notch with all of the Living Streams products.


  3. November 29, 2018 @ 6:31 pm warren mandseth

    For shungite products I would recommend going to Nancy Hopkins site Cosmicreality.net . She is highly electosensitive and has developed products that protect against EMF. I wear a silver-saturated shungite pendant she developed and have her stickers on all of my electronics. They soak shungite powder in colloidal silver which amplifies the protective effects. Good place to get shungite cheaply is directly from Russia at Karellianheritage.com


  4. January 7, 2019 @ 7:18 pm Winky McMichael

    LoVe your radio show Patrick!!
    Just found these 4 interviews with Wayne Blakely, and they are fantastic.
    The basically commercial free format is GREAT!!
    I’ve stopped listening to much of The Power Hour because of the frequency of commercials that get louder.

    Also interested in some of your other product lines at the online store.
    I’ve “Liked” your page on Facebook; and, am going to TUNE IN more this year.

    ThanX again Patrick!!


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