Wayne Blakely

Mold May Be A Key Cause of Disease


“All Sheet Rock molds over time.  All of it”

                                                                                                            – George Swanson, co author of “Breathing Walls” and Bau-biology authority


Living Streams Mission has developed and manufactures a wide range of specialized liquid probiotic formulas to meet your health and wellness needs.Living Streams Multi-Blend™ (Living Streams Probiotic™) is a natural by-product of friendly bio-organisms (probiotics) that have been specially cultured and developed to produce the natural anti-infective substances the human body was meant to receive from flora in the intestinal track. Living Streams probiotics only contain organic lab certified bacteria species that are naturally found in the human body, and does not contain bacteria obtained from soil microbes.
Processed foods (for both humans and animals), lack enzymes and other nutrients which results in poor quality intestinal flora and other health stresses. Even the normal amounts of these substances that would otherwise be there are missing in most animals and people. On top of that, because the friendly bacteria are missing from the intestinal track growth of “bad” bacteria, fungus, yeast, virus and mold colonies can seriously harm health. Even if you think you are healthy, subclinical infective processes may be at work, slowly damaging your health.


We’ve heard it before and Wayne gives more details on how and why the minerals are simply not in most of the food grown in this Country. 

This is the main reason why the majority of people have some kind of health issue today.  Why are so many people dealing with a health issue?

Wayne tells the story of years ago working in California with a researcher/scientist and he proved how a particular strain of probiotics and nutrients transmuted MTBE in the water supply to a non toxic molecule.  MTBE is used in gasoline today. 

Patrick tells his story of using Mold Relief all over his home and nebulizing same.  Doodle and Patrick both detoxed. 

Wayne’s C-60 story. 

1955 is when the depletion of our soils began.  The sperm motility and Testosterone levels are half of what they were 50 years ago.

  Zeolife lowers histamine levels. 

Walter Russell, the man who mentored Tesla discovered the C-60 molecule 

Living Streams products are special herbs fermented in unique living probiotics in liquid form that predigest the herb or food to make it much, much more absorbable to humans and pets 

Every product Wayne produces detoxes one form or another of a chemical or toxin

Mold Relief is available from Living Streams.  Call Marilyn at 360.912.2981 

Please go through One Radio Network when ordering products..that supports us and you at the same time.  

After receiving some ideas on what products to purchase, please order through our site, any link to Living Streams, like the one below… or in our store.  They can not give us credit if you just order by phone.  Thank you

You can also email patrick and get his research into what particular Living Streams Probiotcs will be the best for you.

Here’s a link to the best fogger to get and get fogging your home, especially the sheet rock

        You may find a better price. This is the model Wayne recommends  We simply linked this site as it looked straightforward, easy and a fair price 


Wayne Blakely on mold and using special nutrients and probiotics for healing, May 22, 2018

'Wayne Blakely – Mold Just May be one the Key Causes of Disease, as the Body has a difficult time Healing when Affected. May 22, 2018' have 2 comments

  1. June 29, 2018 @ 9:25 pm Brenda

    What was the phone number to call to possibly order proxy’s from Wayne Blakely?thanks


  2. June 29, 2018 @ 11:53 pm patrick

    Brenda, Please order through our website. The only way we get commissions on the sales if you go through our site.
    thank you,


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