False Flags, Scams, Lies & War

Will this coronavirus panic go down in history as the biggest scam perpetrated on mankind? Maybe not, because everyone is participating

This will be a real turning point for many people in the world. Either take the path of black magic and be controlled or use this phenomena to grow spiritually and learn how to deal with the controllers with grace and charm

Pasteur knew he was wrong about the germ theory and even wrote about it in his diaries

We generally receive things we expect to receive, not the things we want

From a listener: But they’re going to say ” You see, we had low numbers of deaths because we did social distancing, it would have been 10 or 20 times greater had we not done that” And the public will eat it up and say our government is so great, that they protected us AND they’re giving us money for our losses.
Then, after they get everyone so thankful for just being alive, they’ll have a vaccine to assure you’ll never get the coronavirus because you got lucky once, but it’ll certainly get you the next time around.

Social distancing is actually an exercise in social engineering in my opinion.

Check out The Telecommunications Act of 1996

Bridgette calls in for some flirtatious role playing. So funny. We love Bridgette

Scott, from FEMA Region 5, calls in to talk about COVID-19 and believes we have all been exposed with it since late last year.

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, April 3, 2020 ONE

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, April 3, 2020 TWO

'We Are the Captains of Our Own Ships, You Get to Choose Which Narrative to Believe – April 3, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. April 6, 2020 @ 2:13 pm kevin

    some good thinking – whole thing here http://www.preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1184
    Train travel tells a story about COVID-19.

    It is obvious that the story we are being told about the COVID-19 epidemic is very wrong.

    Everyday 34 trains leave Wuhan for Shanghai.
    These trains usually carry 600 or 1200 passengers.
    Let us assume that only 50 passengers on each train travel from Wuhan to Shanghai.
    For simplicity, we assume this whether the trains carry 600 or 1200 passengers.
    So every day 34 * 50 = 1,700 people from Wuhan go to Shanghai.
    The virus circulated in Wuhan for roughly 40 days before the authorities took action.
    Therefore 34 * 50 * 40 = 68,000 people from Wuhan end up in Shanghai.
    These 68,000 + those arriving by plane + those arriving by automobile, result in 353 confirmed cases of Covid19.


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