Cellular “weight” gain is demonstrated in any of the YouTube videos with titles approximating “marshmallows in a vacuum.”

Note when the “cellulite” forms.

Speed of pressurization, degree of temperature, amount of humidity, etc. help determine if the “cellulite” is temporary or “permanent.”

It’s usually “permanent,” due to hydration, caloric burn rate, “nervous” system pressurization, etc.

NERVE RINGS are also known as sensitivity rings or stress rings by iridologists, and as contraction furrows by ophthalmologists.

These nerve rings are usually regarded as “permanent” markings by most authorities.

I asked Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) whya client’s nerve rings completely disappeared in both irides after getting colonics from Christina Ponsot and reflexology sessions from me.

He replied, “Nerve rings are a pressure indication, not a photographic process. They are embossed by the body’s internal pressure. Once you release the pressure, the nerve rings will disappear.”

Nerve rings in the iris are written on an Etch-a-Sketch, not on a blackboard or whiteboard.

When you lift the top sheet of the Etch-a-Sketch, anything you’ve written disappears. :)

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