Dr. Sarah Zalidvar
Weight Loss For Tough Cases Using Carnivore Diet
Dr. Sarah Zalidvar struggled extensively with binge eating disorder, depression, anxiety and being overweight for the vast majority of her life before implementing mindset shifts and a diet and exercise plan that finally set her free and helped her lose over 25 pounds of body fat.
Now, she uses her experience to help others reach that freedom a lot quicker than the time it took her to figure it out.
Eats a carnivore diet with dairy.
Transitioned from Paleo to Keto to Carnivore. Influenced by Dr. Steven Gundry, Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Paul Saladino.
Eating very low carb foods reverse the aging process and slows it down.
AGEs – advanced glycation end products, found in carbs, attach to collagen matrix, cellular structure, DNA.
Hollywood doctor Dr. Harold Lancer tells his patients to eliminate sugars in foods.
Exercise helps increase consumption of water.
Recommends Hi-Intensity-Interval-Training 3 times a week minimum. Need exercise bursts to stimulate the heart.
Reason people are overweight: food addiction.
Food is engineered to maximize the bliss point and release just the right amount of dopamine.
Carnivore eliminates all processed food and thus the temptation to overeat.
Plants don’t want to be eaten. They secrete plant toxins to damage the health of plant-eating animals, including saponins, oxalates, lectins, and salicylates.
Clients can transition into carnivore at their own pace. Diet goals of body composition plus health improvement. Frequent communication with clients.
Inflammation from plant toxins is the cause of soreness from exercise.
For females, lift weights to prevent flabbiness and maintain a base of muscle. Use compound movements, free weights, and machines for a whole body workout.
Listener asks about how to improve saggy breasts. Remove excess body fat. Muscle support below, so do chest press, upper chest work, pectoralis major.
What is the difference between a little bit of carbs and no carbs? No much if eating < 30 grams carb/day. But if the carbs are coming from a plant you react to, the toxins will keep on weight.
Aquaporin was the guilty culprit for her husband’s back pain. Corn and other foods have aquaporin in them, which is similar to human aquaporin. Immune system gets activated by food aquaporin, leads to nervous tissue diseases.
Leaky gut underlies reactions to food toxins.
Ketosis is a cleaner energy source than glucose burning.
Aquaporin supports nerve tissue and myelin sheath. Need it for nerve communication and regulation of fluid flow in/out of cells needing quick release of fluids. E.g. tear ducts.
Nightshade family of vegetables are quite inflammatory foods.
How to detox oxalates after getting off vegetables? See Sally K. Norton.
Does Sarah take extra fat? 60-80% of her diet. Calories do matter, eats lower end of range if wanting to lose weight.
Insulin retains sodium and electrolytes. Cramps due to dehydration. Want 1 gallon water/day plus electrolytes. Try for 30 days.
Okay to eat regular beef? Sure. Minimal difference between grass-finished and not, per Robb Wolf analysis and interview on Joe Rogan.
Are we wired to live a certain amount of time? An American Indian lived to be 140. Many say we should live to 120 years.
Anti-aging research has achieved breakthroughs. We have more control over aging process than we have been led to believe.
I am youthful and timeless at every age – J Lo.
DrSarahZaldivar.com. Does personal consults.
'Dr. Sarah Zalidvar | Weight Loss For Tough Cases Using Carnivore Diet | October 19, 2022' has no comments
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