Will Falconer, DVM

Holistic Veterinarian


Raising Pets with Better Health and More Vitality


Longtime natural vet gives you specific instructions for the best food plan he knows of for your precious doggies

Vital Animals.
They smell good, feel soft and clean, and just exude energy. A bounce in their step, they are ready to play, run, climb and swim, but can also be content in the quiet moments of your life.

Let alone being free of illness, these guys just shine. Eyes bright and clear, teeth gleaming, light dancing off their coats, they are balanced in their every move, a joy to be around.

If you want animals like this, who share long years of vital life with you, you’ve come to the right place.

Dr. Falconer will guide you, if you’re willing to step off the beaten path with open eyes and a bold heart.

Your animals are counting on your choices to thrive.

Dr. Falconer was once a conventional veterinarian.

Here’s what he’s learned:


Sad and expensive results for animals, which may be avoided entirely.

He knows that old path and can guide you safely beyond it.


Dr. Falconer is offering a free four part video workshop over the the next ten days that you can watch when you want teaching us to think outside the medicine box.

SIGN UP below for FREE access to Won’t Get Fooled Again, a dynamic 4 part video workshop where you’ll discover why the natural path is the smartest choice for your pet.

Dr. Will Falconer Holistic Veterinarian

Dr. Falconer offers a wide variety of courses/webinars and the like to educate you and your family supporting a long healthy life for your animals..naturally

Visit Website


If you can not manage a totally organic  raw food meat diet, this is the absolute best  totally organic food on the Planet


In animals, similar to us, vaccinations disrupt the innate immune system

Breeders who have vaccinated going back many generations oftentimes produces new pups that come in with a weakened immune system, whee some vaccines may be appropriate.

There are natural breeders however that have many generations of un vaccinated animals that have strong healthy immune systems, that most often deal nicely with whatever comes along.

We dig into the good, the bad and the ugly in pet foods and give specific instructions for the bet diet

When Parvo vaccines are given, the are actually giving five vaccines in one injection

Listener asks about snake bites and Dr. Falconer has a homeopathic kit to have on hand


Dr. Will Falconer and raising dogs and cats in a natural world to prevent diseases and pests, May 21, 2019

'Will Falconer, DVM – Truly Preventing Health Issues in Your Animal Children is Possible – May 21, 2019' has 1 comment

  1. May 26, 2019 @ 9:23 pm Tracy

    I wonder what the Doc says about pure gum spirits of Turpentine to treat worms and parasites in dogs :D


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