William Cadwallader, E.M.R.S.

Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist



The Electronic Sickening of America


Bill holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Cal Poly Pomona and a Master’s Degree from Pepperdine University, Malibu California.

Bill has presented at the Annual Cancer Convention in Los Angeles, has taught at the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology and writes extensively on solutions to harmful Electromagnetic Radiation on the website blog and on social media.

He has spent his entire life working around technology as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps, as a student earning a Master’s Degree at Pepperdine University, and as a Project Manager in the Aerospace Industry in California as well as with IT, Clark County, NV.

Before consulting in Electromagnetic Radiation, Bill was concerned about the amount of radiation we were being exposed to in our daily life.

When a co-worker was diagnosed with brain cancer, he was shocked. He remembered that he always saw him on his cell phone, before meetings and after meetings. The brain tumor was located at the exact place where he held the cell phone. He later died after massive medical treatment.  He knew something was very unsafe about the way we were using our cell phones and other electronic devices. After another acquaintance developed a tumor in his abdomen, right where he held his tablet every night to read, he knew he had to do something.

Being a Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, Bill has completed advanced studies in Electromagnetic Radiation. Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists measure radiation and consult for detection and protection in homes, schools and businesses.

At Stop Dirty Electricity, we detect and reduce all of the Electromagnetic Radiation threats to your home, family, children, environment and even pets.

The Electronic Sickening of America

There’s a hidden danger pulsating in the airways and buzzing behind the walls of millions of American homes, schools, and businesses. Our families, co-workers, and even pets, are exposed to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) almost continually, 24/7.

  • Few people want to address this topic because we don’t know what to do. And we are afraid we will have to give up our electronic necessities.
  • The great news is that you CAN take control of your exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation and learn how to use your electronic devices safely.
  • A disturbing correlation has been discovered between electro-pollution and a host of diseases and ailments.
  • These include cancer, diabetes, asthma, behavioral disorders, chronic fatigue, ADHD, insomnia, depression, headaches, muscle/joint pain, chronic inflammation, and many more.
  • Over 3,900 studies on the potential health effects of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation have been published by a group of international scientists and public health experts in the Bioinitiative Report of 2012.
  • One of the most alarming reports comes from a cancer cluster at a middle school. Up to 24 teachers and staff members at the school were diagnosed with various forms of cancer. Thyroid cancer was 13 times expected, Melanoma was almost 10 times expected and Uterine cancer was over 9 times the expected amount. Up to 49 former students also came down with cancer in their twenties – who spent as little as 3 years in that school. Worst news of all six teachers and staff have died and six students have now died.

So, Why Isn’t Anyone Sounding The Alarm?

We’d all like to blame big industry and the enormous profits associated with electronics for neglecting, minimizing and discrediting this issue. While that may be true, we as consumers are often not willing to forfeit the benefits we enjoy from our electronic devices. Well, the good news is… we don’t have to.

Visit William’s Youtube Channel

New technology is being developed that will be 10 times faster than 5G and if it is consistent what we know of 5G hazards from authorites on this subject..will probably be many times as dangerous.

Bill goes through the upcoming 5 G technology and the challenges that is coming with same

There are presently 150,00 cell phone towers (depending on what is considered a tower),  in The United States

5 G can potentially have a small tower on virtually every street corner in urban areas

On an RF Meter, the best setting is Micro Watts Meter Squared, and the Russian Scientist say a reading of 10 or below is safe

Exposure depletes the blood brain barrier that protects the brain from unwanted actors  ingested into the body

There are parameters to consider and measure:  RF from cell phone towers, smart meters, computers and wi-fi’s, In the electrical wiring inside the walls and power lines:  Electrical; magnetic and Dirty electricity (one component of internal wiring)

These plug in phones and other electrical devices that have a square block to plug in are dangerous to have.

Cordless telephones for land lines are extremely high in RF emissions

The best way to educate your children on the hazards of all this technology is with stories.

Some of the emails that came in during the show:

Can you please send me the information on the living streams mold remediation. Thank you! Val  (if you are interested in this process simply email patrick timpone now

What effect do these fitness trackers have on our bodies? They are usually paired with our phones. Thank you for some very enlightening information.

Is the problem with “wall-wart” power transformers used by many electronic devices like your house phone because of the EMF radiation or the “dirty” electrical spikes induced on the house wiring?

If some of the issue is EMF radiation through the air, would wrapping the transformer with aluminum foil or spray painting it with metallic paint help?
There’s a lot of confusion regarding Earth grounding and I have a question for William about it.
I have been using Earth grounding for years with very positive results. I use a long copper rod that goes into the ground.
I know that Dave Stetzer is against it saying that you are just trading voltage for current. But my question is which way do the electons flow when you are grounded. From the earth to you or you to the earth. If from the earth to you that that to me would be very helpful.
Some say ketogenic diet protects from EMF’s.  Is this true?
haven’t yet noticed any consumer Wi-Fi routers or cell phones with 5G circuitry built in.  We may not have direct capability to stop the rollout of 5G transmitters, but we have full disgression on whether to purchase or use 5G devices.  Hopefully people will recognize that the promised faster data speeds of 5G is not worth it at the expense of our health, and will thwart the 5G movement by not buying into it.

Bill Cadwallader on Exposed, The Sickening of America and cool ideas on protection from EMF’s, July 30, 2018

'William Cadwallader, E.M.R.S. – Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist – The Electronic Sickening of America – July 30, 2018' has 1 comment

  1. August 6, 2018 @ 2:21 pm David King

    You mentioned about having a mobile phone in the bedroom at night being unsafe. Is it still unsafe if the phone is in airplane mode with no wireless connection activated?


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