Continuous yawning and blood flow to the penis (or clitoris) are affinitive.

There’s a difference between a partial yawn and a COMPLETE YAWN.

A series of semi-yawns can make a man semi-hard.

A semi-yawn – an average yawn – lasts only 6 seconds.

A semi-yawn is a stifled yawn – but a partial yawn is better than no yawn at all.

Fake it till you make it.


(1) floods the body with dopamine, oxytocin, acetylcholine, and nitric oxide,

(2) suppresses endorphins, enkephalins, dynorphins, and other opioid peptides,

(3) decreases beta brain waves (13 to 30 Hertz),

(4) cools the brain and heats the tailpipe, er, tailbone,

(5) exposes the canine teeth,

(6) causes enzyme- and antibody-laden tears to water the eyes,

(7) mitigates “sensory engrams,” “character armor,” and resets hypertonic muscles, and

(8) generates the necessary dynamic tension to cultivate kundalini and “orgasmic potency.”

In the words of Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley), “I hate to be crude, but kundalini is a hard-on in the tongue.”

PANDICULATION is another name for a complete yawn.

(No, I’m not referring to a technique hyped as “Assisted Pandiculation,” a neuromuscular education system that throws the baby out with the bathwater.)

Pandiculation is a combination of yawning and stretching, especially the jaw and face muscles, resulting is quasi-orgasmic satisfaction.

Yawning and erections are headquartered mostly in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.

Dreaming and theta brain waves cause erections.

A sleep scientist mentioned – tongue in cheek – that the erect penis “might serve as an antenna for attracting dreams.”

Indeed, DREAM GEOMETRY is a function of the Second Chakra (Swadhisthana).

So is astral projection.

The COLOR in dreams is courtesy of the Third Chakra (Manipura).

So is mental projection – instantaneous astral projection.




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