Patrick Timpone


Zohara Hieronimus

The Future of Human Experience

J. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus is an award winning radio broadcaster, author, social justice and environmental activist, and pioneer in Holistic Health Care.

Zoh is a futurist and a well known leader in holistic and integrative health care as Founder of the Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center. Zohara is well known for her participation in consciousness studies, social and environmental causes and is a broadcasting personality as host of the syndicated Future Talk, Clearview Radio, and the Zoh Show. Zohara is also a teacher of the Alef-Beit (Hebrew alphabet), and author of The Future of Human Experience, Destiny Books 2013, Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets, The Seven Holy Women of Ancient Israel, Inner Traditions International, June 2008 and Sanctuary of the Divine Presence, Hebraic Rituals of Inititation and Illumination, Inner Traditions, 2012. As well, Zohara practices Kabbalistic Life Path Analysis.

Show Highlights:

-Is it Selfish or Selfless? Spinning fear and love to control people

-Prayer at a distance; what is the most effective prayer to say?; ‘Thy will be done’ may be the most powerful

-All of us are designed to be prophets, but what’s a prophet?

-Knowing how to use our sword and our wand

-Whatever pattern we buy into is what we live our life by

-Concealed good: The good that’s hidden in the bad

-What unhooked our civilization from our awareness?

-If you want to see a change in someone else, the change needs to take place within ourselves first

and more!


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zohara on soul, consciousness ans what’s it all about, january 6, 2015

'Zohara Hieronimus – The Patterns We Buy Into Is How We Live Our Lives – January 6, 2015' has 1 comment

  1. January 9, 2015 @ 8:48 am Matt

    For information on all things lunar, read the book “The Power of Timing” by Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe. It’s a fascinating book on how to plan everything around the cycles of the moon including when to trim your nails, get a haircut, when to plant, and when to fast.


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