Patrick Timpone

Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Ask Dr. Massey

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine


Show Highlights:

Check out this show! Dr. Richard Massey, M.D. visits our studios on a cold January evening and what a pleasure the visit was. Hear a clear explanation on how critical digestion and assimilation; and many steps to take to cure the imbalances.

We learn how to use Hydrochloric Acid and Vitamin C in healing the stomach lining. And, ever so important, hear the key ingredients that deteriorate the stomach lining. Dr. Massey says tests have shown nearly 75% of us have stomach linings that have been damaged and is hindering our production of HCL. Mission critical for everything – HCL.

We learn how to test at home for food sensitivities and specific product recommendations in all areas of digestion, rebuilding the stomach and Dr. Masseys favorite vitamin mineral supplement. There is a generous amount of info here on bone loss and oral pathology as we field questions most of the evening.

Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation



'Dr. Richard Massey, MD – The Big Three Health Issues: Digestion, Assimilation and Digestion – January 15, 2009' has no comments

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