THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone


Tony Pantalleresco

Just a Guy Who Knows Some Great Stuff About Health

We learned about Tony Pantalleresco through a request from one of our listeners in the UK and he has quickly become one of our most popular guests. Extremely passionate about natural health, Tony has a plethora of videos on YouTube covering a huge variety of topics such as: Making all kinds of extracts, seed milks, nut milks, detox meals and smoothies, juices, chelators, anti-oxidant formulas. Getting rid of cold sores, dealing with skin issues and erectile dysfunction, detoxing heavy metals. Tony offers an endless list of recipes for remedies to make at home.


Show Highlights:

-Chemtrails and Morgellons Disease

-Dealing with nano particle toxicity. What is the answer?

-Flushing out nanoparticulates from the tissues

-Is there any research on the planet to justify vaccines?

-What’s the difference between trisodium phosphate and sodium thiosulphate?

-Tony tells us why he’s no longer convinced that sugar is the cause of cavities

-Ebola: Is it really to be as feared as we’re led to believe?

-Tony explains why if you want to do real research, don’t use Google

-Why you should support your local farmer

-The dangers of statin drugs

-Fat: The thing that repairs the cells

-B3: The ‘go to’ B vitamin to help the brain

-What are Tony’s feelings about systemic enzymes for recovery and inflammation and does he have a DIY recipe for them?

-George calls in from Oceanside with sinus problems; Tony gives him some ideas about his diet

-Confusing Morgellons and Lyme Disease: How would you know which one?

-A listener calls in with Hashimotos and leaky gut: What should she do?

-Why Tony says the term ‘gluten free’ is a farce

-Is it possible to regrow a new colon; Tony says ‘yes’

-What might cause the nails to separate from the nail bed near the fingertips?

-The toxicity of nano silver

-How does the water cure work? Tony says to just drink the salt water and don’t make it complicated

-Why are some really old people oftentimes healthier than some of the younger folks today?

-What can we do for Shingles?

-Tony addresses a listener’s comment about BHT

-Tony shares a recipe for wrinkles

-A listener calls in to tell the listeners they should have no fear getting off their thyroid meds, she worked with Tony and slowly got off the meds

and so much more!


Click here for detailed list of questions read in this interview


Tony Pantalleresco - Herbalist

Tony Pantalleresco – Herbalist

Check out some of Tonys videos

Email Tony at

Visit Website

Some products Tony often uses in his healing recipes


tony pantalleresco and healing at home, august 11, 2014, hour one

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