(1) Massage your ankles, wrists, neck, and waist.

These are 4 important hormonal reflex areas.

Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) advised self-massaging and stimulating these areas before beginning any type of bodywork on another person.

(2) Massage the neurolymphatic reflex points (Chapman’s reflexes) in your lower back just above the hips.

Gently grind out any calcified lymphatic tissue above the hip bones. (At least 1 out of every 20 people have them.)

The Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and Circulation-Sex meridians share common neurolymphatic points there.

(3) Massage your abdomen.

This is beneficial for your intestines as well as your uterus.

(4) Take a warm hip bath to induce sweating at Kidney Time (5:00-7:00 pm).

Drinking a small amount of gin and water during or after your hip bath helps relieve pelvic congestion.

(5) Treat yourself to a mustard foot bath.

Physicians routinely prescribed these foot baths for menstrual cramps more than 100 years ago.

(6) Be sure you’re having regular bowel movements – 3 per day (for most people).

Drinking (1) a cup of Cobalamin Tonic and/or eating (2) a few prunes with a vitamin-C tree fruit and/or eating (3) 3 papaya seeds with “break the fast” will ensure the first bowel movement of the day.

Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 am) is “Hydrogen Time,” and is your “second chance” to stimulate the bowels via the gastrocolonic reflex (by eating food) – assuming you haven’t already had a BM during Large Intestine Time (5:00-7:00 am) via a combination of the chronocolonic reflex (by synchronizing with biological time) and the orthocolonic reflex (by standing erect when getting out of bed).

(7) Eat an umeboshi plum at Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 am).

Use a nutcracker to access the kernel, and eat it too.

Don’t eat more than one kernel a day. (A small amount of natural cyanide is therapy. Too much is toxic or abuse.)

(8) Drink a glass of salt water between 6:30-7:00 am.

Make it the consistency of ocean water.

If the consistency is exact, this ISOTONIC solution will flush directly through to the anus within minutes, and little or no salt will be absorbed by the body.

Yogacharya Oliver Black (1893-1989) used this pre-breakfast technique for decades.

This and similar saline strategies are beneficial for your uterus. (The judicious use of salt can give your Significant Other a firmer erection too.)

It’s probably not a good idea to attempt thisflush without supervision.

Besides, Cobalamin Tonic (coffee, cocoa, and maple syrup) accomplishes most everything thistechnique does.

(9) Drink 100-percent agave tequila, aloe vera, and pineapple juice at Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 pm).

Add a tablespoon of tequila and a tablespoon of aloe vera to an 8-ounce glass of pineapple juice.

Drink this “Tequila Sunset” after dinner, not during it.

(10) Supplement with black cohosh root or rhizome.

Use black cohosh cautiously and sparingly. It can cause liver damage.

'10 More Tips for Menstrual Pain' have 2 comments

  1. August 8, 2011 @ 11:09 am martin

    hi Atom,

    i have three quick questions for you. i would appreciate any opinions you have on these matters.

    1. as a child i had a funnel chest and needed an operation to fix it when i was 16. after that i was fine, no more chesty conditions. but these days and maybe the last few years, i feel a bit of breathlessness and sometimes when talking (maybe i talk too much), i feel a lack of air. i tried the buteyko method and it seemed to help. any thoughts on this. i try to breathe through my nose as much as i can. i do my best to keep a straight spine.

    2. can we perform any exercises to protect our cells against EMFs, cell phone towers etc…?

    3. what can a person do that has a leaky anus and is slightly embarrassed when bringing stained underpants to the laundrette

    Kind Regards…Martin


  2. August 8, 2011 @ 11:44 am atomb

    (1) Refer to my previous blog entries about the advantages of yawning, esp. “yawning with a Ph.D.”

    Impeccable yawning beats the Buteyko method hands down.

    (2) Overalkaline folks are more vulnerable to both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

    Quality protein (animal, egg, or vegetable) provides protection.

    Time-Conscious Eating (and Living) helps.

    But, frankly, if I lived near a cell phone tower or high-power lines, I’d move.

    Come to think of it, I have – twice.

    (3) Kegel exercises offer relief.

    Certain foods aggravate the problem.

    A list of these foods is on Wikipedia.


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