(1) ENGRAMS are often associated with menstrual pain or cramps.

Find out who’s the matter with you.

Clues: MEN-struation, dys-MEN-orhhea, MEN-orrhagia, etc.

(2) Do the Alligator Pose, an alligator-like position assumed for back pain and sexual dysfunction.

It starts from a bridge position, moves forward into a semi-pushup with the belly on the floor, and continues all the way back with the buttocks against the heels and the forehead on the floor.

Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) recommended this exercise to work out “sexual frustration.”

(3) Rock back and forth in the knee-breast position.

It helps align the uterus with the vagina.

(4) Massage your Bladder Meridian neurolymphatic points, especially the ones in the umbilical and suprapubic region.

Guilt is “stored” in the bladder.

(5) Drink pomegranate juice for your kidneys at Large Intestine Time (5:00-7:00 am).

According to “Link Between Kidney And Ovarian Functions,” Science News Letter, April 28, 1945 …

“The experiments [by Kurt A. Oster of McKesson & Robbins, Inc.] have demonstrated for the first time that there is a definite link between the kidney and ovarian functions, a fact often suggested by physicians who noted changes in the function of the kidney in the menstrual cycle and especially during pregnancy.”

(6) Eat celery regularly but sparingly.

Eat the green part of celery and the tender leaves at Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 pm).

Eat the white part of the celery (the bottom few inches) at Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 pm).

Organic celery is especially potent and photoactive.

Caution: Organic celery is rich in photoactive linear furancoumarins and can cause photophytodermititis.

It’s also richer in the toxic compounds bergapton, psoralen, and xanthotoxin.

Celery grown in acidic fog is richer in toxic phytoalexins. (Everything in moderation and IN TIME.)

Celery can bleach away fear (oxidized adrenaline) just as cooks use celery to neutralize the sulfurous odor of cauliflower.

Celery is also an aphrodisiac containing the male hormone androsterone.

Heated celery emits a sexual pheromone.

(7) Eat garlic at Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 pm).

Allicin in garlic reduces blood clots.

Swami Nitty-Gritty advised eating garlic for “tenderness before menstruation.”

Garlic actually reverses cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis in rabbits.

Excess garlic interferes with iodine uptake in the thyroid. (Everything in moderation and IN TIME.)

(8) Avoid “liquid chlorophyll.”

Women are advised to supplement with liquid chlorophyll for the magnesium, but chlorophyll can’t exist in a liquid state.

Copper is added to liquefy chlorophyll, essentially creating the chemical equivalent of cuproglobin – lobster blood (and Vulcan and Romulan blood too).

Copper opposes magnesium.

Swami Nitty-Gritty warned, “Sexual trauma retains copper, causing too much electrical conduction, which, in turn, causes stroke. Also, phosphorus stays too dry.”

Get your chlorophyll from lettuce and green vegetables.

(9) Avoid cottonseed oil.

It’s associated with eye problems, menstrual syndromes, an sterility.

(10) Avoid milk or drink less of it.

Swami Nitty-Gritty cautioned, “Milk causes muscle cramps by draining iron out of the muscle.

Daniel Reid (The Complete Book of Chinese Health and Healing: Guarding the Three Treasures, 1994) wrote …

“From the traditional Chinese medical point of view, milk is a form of ‘sexual essence.’ For the human species to drink the sexual essence of another species can only lead to trouble, especially for females, because the hormones it contains will upset the delicate balance of the human endocrine system. If you insist on consuming dairy products, your best bet is goat’s milk, which approximates the nutritional composition and balance of human milk.”

Clarified butter made from cow’s milk is OK too. :)


'10 Tips for Menstrual Pain' have 4 comments

  1. August 6, 2011 @ 10:07 am RadioGuGu

    Dear Atom : )

    Would you, please, also tell us more about kidney-ovaries-endometrium/endometriosis – who, when or what??


    • August 6, 2011 @ 12:10 pm atomb

      An important kidney-ovary point in a woman is the ileocecal point under the floating ribs on the right side of the body – and its mirror-image sigmoid colon point on the left side of the body.

      Knee problems are another tip-off – as mentioned in the 2010 movie Eat Pray Love.

      Women with endometriosis often want (or wanted) a child, but felt they lacked the (1) energy, (2) money, and/or (3) ideal husband “required” for motherhood.

      The above, of course, is only a “cookbook” interpretation.

      The specifics are accessed by asking, “Who’s the matter with you?”

      A common endometriosis ENGRAM COLOR is yellow.

  2. August 7, 2011 @ 7:09 pm ThomasCroger

    Hi Atom!

    Living in the lower latitudes of the earth, sunlight levels can be quite low in winter. Vitamin D supplementation – yes, no, maybe? And, when?

    I’ve heard you mention lettuce as a natural source of vitamin D. Does this apply to all leafy green vegetables? I’m a great fan of leafy greens at lunchtime.

    Good times to you :D

    • August 8, 2011 @ 12:35 pm atomb

      Hi, Thomas …

      Use quality cod liver oil – not flavored, not emulsified, not micilized, not water-dispersed, not bleached, not deordorized, not destearinated, not solvent-extracted, etc.

      In the words of the late great fitness guru Jack LaLanne, “If man made it, don’t eat it.”

      Lettuce is related to prickly lettuce, aka the COMPASS PLANT, named for it’s ability to rotate its leaves to set the rate of sun exposure.

      Lettuce is practically married to vitamin D.

      Sun-dried mushrooms are rich in vitamin D.

      In fact, whenever the Sun reaches a 45-degree angle, you can place almost any food outside in direct sunlight for 20 minutes or so and load it with vitamin D.

      Why spend money on supplement D when most folks on planet Earth have a vitamin D generator shining down from the sky available for free?

      Supplement D was once called toxiferol till corporate marketers realized more could be sold by renaming it calciferol.

      If you’re concerned about flies and insects landing on your sunbathing food, Saran Wrap won’t block the effect.

      (Glass or plastic will.)

      Nature’s Pharmacology is always more astute than Corporate Pharmacology.

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