Monthly Archives: July 2008

Experts Continue to Cite Bifantis As Promising Probiotic Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Newswise — Two new review articles that cover therapeutic approaches to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in the July issue of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, cite growing evidence that probiotics, and specifically Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 (Bifantis®), are effective in helping manage IBS. Both articles point to data that suggest Bifantis (available in the U.S. only in…

Aussi Bank Writedown Shock Street

The National Australia Banks decision to write off 90 per cent of its US conduit loans will have dramatic repercussions around the world. Wall Street will be deeply shocked when they understand the repercussions of what NAB has done. It is clear global banks have nowhere near provided for their exposures to US housing loans…

Thats an interesting saying that my Mom would utter from time to time.  Truly contemplating on the idea is quite revealing.  For example in its dimpliest terms, we tell someone "Don’t criticize others" and at that moment we are criticizing this person for being critical.  "Do as I say, not as I do." I sent…

A road to living on light

Each day comes and goes seamlessly.  I am often up during a bright moon here in the Country at 3 AM.  I sit out on the porch and just look at the sky until sleep sets in once again.  Sometimes it takes some yogo to quite things down.  Even a little piece of fresh pineapple…

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