Patrick’s New Blog

Marshall Protocol or Natural ?

Hi Patrick, I’ve listened to a few podcasts about the Marshall Protocol and I know you were on it, (are you still?). I just can’t get it to sit right with me. I have been so messed up by the medical industry that I have an automatic distrust response, especially about pharmaceuticals. I was diagnosed…

Electricity and our helath…some options

Name::  Penny Subject::  Bad Electricity and Solar Panels Comments / Inquiries::  Hi,  my 4 year olds kindergarten in Sydney is proposing to install solar panels on its roof and is seeking agreement from parents.  As an environmental scientist I am pleased that they are taking these ‘greenmeasures but recently heard about ‘bad electricitygenerated from solar…

Diet and saving the teeth 05.20.10

Comments / Inquiries::  Hi Patrick, I just listened to your interview with Rami Nagel (Oct. 2008). Excellent material it seems. I am having dental challenges myself and was just curious about something; Before diving headlong into the Cure Tooth Decay protocol, did it help your teeth? Appreciate any feedback you can give us. Thank you,…

MP day 21

I have been on the Menocycline for only a week now, 25 mg. every other day.  Not much in the way of healing response as yet.  I did go through a pretty interesting phase last week of ankles itching like crazy.  Years ago when I experienced the same, a homeopath suggested it was a genetic…

Two weeks with Benicar

Just burned through some interesting, for Patrick and perhaps for you, experiences on my road to super wellness.  On Tuesday a sever knee and leg pain hit.  Very sever.  Really hurt at times.  I’ve been working though some sciatica that was the result of a sight injury to a disc.  So, I went to my…

Let The Games Begin – Day 8

Patrick had some weird pain in right knee last night.  Not sure the exact cause, but there are no accidents, and now that my immune system is getting “lit up” could be croaking some buggies down there. Another thought is that I am on day 4 of Michael Kings Liver Flush with digestive bitters etc….

Marshall Protocol – Day 5

I feel well.  Better than I have in a long time actually.  I’ve been getting more un interrupted sleep since starting the Benicar.  I am still learning what all this substance does in the body.   I know it lowers blood pressure, relieves inflammation and fires the Vitamin D receptors, ramping up the immune system. …

MP Day 3 – Benicar Kicking in

Today is the first day I’ve felt some healing responses to the Benicar.  Generally feeling lighter and overal clearer head and body, yet today I disposed of some unwanted material after a flash of real stomach distress.  It came and went pretty quickly, so that is nice. Feeling a bit flue – ish right now,…

Do our thoughts heal?

Hello, I am wondering if you know anything about Esther Hicks and the teachings of Abraham? If so, do you believe that we can heal ourselves with our own thoughts? I am practicing the laws of attraction and so far they seem to really work well for me. I am no longer sick. Julie…

Why not eat what the masters ate?

Patrick: Discovered your show on ITunes and have had a great time listening to all your interviews. Its just terrific! I especially like that you bring people on with very divergent views and show each person generous respect. the unfortunate side of that for me is that I have gone out to the store and…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.