Monthly Archives: January 2009

Michael Peroutka -The Presidency + New World Order + The Central Bankers = Unconstitutional – January 20, 2009

Michael Peroutka Attorney and Founder of the Institute on the Constitution Michael Peroutka is founder of the Institute on The Constitution, with their mission being to reconnect Americans to their own heritage. He says we’ve lost our understanding of “Our God Given Rights.” You’ll enjoy this man and his passion for the United States Constitution,…

Why Incorporate in Delaware? – Advice from a Pro

Phyllis Jacobs, President Global Corporate Services – Specialist in forming corporations in Delaware. Why does many in the world incorporate in Delaware? Set up banking, private EIN number not attached to you, proxy services. Legal, clean and efficient, so says Ms. Jacobs. Ms. Jacobs gives advice on setting up a business, a new bank account…

Geoge Ure

George Ure of eats drinks and sleeps thriving and surviving in the coming months and years. And Mr. Ure definitely believes something other than what recent history has shown is in our collective futures. He says the comparison to the the 1930s is mind boggling. George Ure also says here that he believes the…

Fluoride Do Not Drink or Bathe In The Water

Dr. Paul Connett, Professor Emeritis at St. Larwence University makes a dramatic argument for getting the fluroride out of all the water, period. This show surprised us in the amount of interest and concern over water fluoridation exists, evidenced by the calls and emails received. Dr. Connett is a graduate of Cambridge University, Connett holds…

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