Monthly Archives: May 2011

Pumping Up (Literally) the Weight #5

A calorie is not a unit of mass. It’s a unit of heat potential. Calories don’t work without cellular pressure gradients. Try to light a fire without oxygen. In the first panel of the June 6, 2001 cartoon strip Foxtrot, 2 boys are blowing bubblegum, and the bubbles are very tiny. In the second panel,…

Pumping Up (Literally) the Weight #4

Weight optimization (total weight loss or gain) and weight distribution (local weight loss or gain)are determined by residual vapor pressure. Examples of temporary local weight redistribution are (1)a bodybuilder’s “pump” and (2) a penile erection. Why is this not well known by the scientists who study obesity? Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) observed, “No one’s gonna…

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause – May 28, 2011

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

Pumping Up (Literally) the Weight #3

You are created out of amino acids and salty sea bubbles – just like Aphrodite, our polypeptides and phospholipids were “born of sea foam.” Voltaire wrote, “… if we were to say that man is a pneumatic machine, we would only be quoting the Greeks.” An inflated truck tire seems hard and solid, yet it’s…

Dr Jubb’s Life Colloid

Dr. Jubb’s Life Colloid by Jane Louise Slater Litho-Philic Lifecolloid is a super vitalizer and powerful adaptogen. Litho means “rock” and Philic means “loving”. The word “life” in front of another word means “to save”, such as lifeboat. A colloid is a indestructible living particle about 1/600,000 of an inch in length, the smallest unit…

Pumping Up (Literally) the Weight #2

Weight Control Tip #1 … Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) pointed to the picture of a bodybuilder on a can of protein powder and commented, “Give me this guy for half an hour, and I’ll make him burp and fart all his muscles away!” THE OPPOSITE IS ALSO TRUE. Crabs, sea anemones, and other creatures routinelyinflate…

Pumping Up (Literally) the Weight

Folks who’s like to lose weight can – for the most part – interpret this information in reverse. Bobdybuilder Casey Viator gained 63.21 pounds in 22 days in the well-known “Colorado Experiment” – with the help of Nautilus creator Arthur Jones. Another time – and this is not well-known at all – he gained 75…

Shape-Shifting the Past

Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) of Wudang Mountain affirmed, “You can change your past. If you can’t, it’s because of what you saw, not what you truly see.” He also said, “Your great-grandmother is yourself. That’s the spooky spooky thing.” According to Robert Lanza, interviewed by Pamela Weintraub in “The Discover Interview: The physician is…

Color & Shape-Shifting 101

Press a flashlight up against the palm of your hand ina dark room, and the light shines completely through your hand. White light transforms into RED light, and all the other colors of the rainbow are left behind. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be alive. Exposure to radiant energy from the Sun would killyou if the other…

Annie Jubb – Adding Life Food to Your Diet – Liver/Gallbladder Cleansing – May 24, 2011

  Annie Jubb Life Food Nutrition Annie tells us how to incorporate Life Food into our diet and gives step by step instructions on cleansing the Liver/Gallbladder AND She shares some great recipes on maintaining balanced nutrition Annie Padden Jubb is the author of LifeFood Recipe Book: Living on Life Force (2003), and Secrets of…

More Adrenaline & Shape-Shifting 101

The larger and sharper your canine teeth are, the healthier your ADRENAL MEDULLA MATRIX is. Do you know where your adrenal medulla is located in your own body? Is it where the anatomy books say it is? (Or is that the “museum medulla”?) Is it smack-dab in the center of the adrenal gland, surrounded by…

Dr. Louis Turi – Cosmic Consciousness; Understanding the Cosmic Code – May 23, 2011

  THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Louis Turi Divine Astrology & Astro-Psychology Show Highlights: -Cosmic Consciousness -Understanding the Cosmic Code -The Importance of Knowing theDragons Head and Tail of your Chart -Discharging Yourself from Negativity -What Does the Future Hold? -Dr. Turi Gives His Predictions   Like the great prophet, Nostradamus, Dr. Turi…

Adrenaline & Shape-Shifting 101

Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) was holding a Satsang in Flagstaff, Arizona, in the 1980s. I was in a rear side chair in the darker shadows outside the living room where Nitty-Gritty was seated. “Just how does Adano stay awake all the time?” I brooded, fighting fatigue and sleepiness. “I’ve got to learn how to do…

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