Monthly Archives: June 2011

Nitrogen / Pregnancy / Cancer

Professor John Beard (1858-1924) – an early proponent of the trophoblastic theory of cancer – proposed cancer was pregnancy at the wrong time and place. Pregnancy is a specializedHIGH NITROGENsort of cancer, whereas cancer is aLOW NITROGENsort of pregnancy. Pregnancy sometimes “cures” cancer and sometimes causes it. Cancer during pregnancy is rare. Both pregnancy and…

Lee Waller – Sustainable Weight Loss, Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight – June 20, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Lee Waller Author of Sustainable Weight Loss: The Definitive Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight Lee has been driven by an interest in personal health and physical fitness for over 50 years. While he has never suffered from any of the maladies that have driven many people…

Circadian Rhythms & Pregnancy

Birth Control Time of the day is Lung Time (3:00-5:00 am). Pregnancy can still occur at Lung Time, but – statistically – the chances are lower. Some folks refer to sex at this time as “4:00 o’clock rollover.” Birth Control Time extends into the first hour of Large Intestine Time (5:00-7:00 am) too. Conception Time…

Roots of Solar Science / Adano Ley

Adano Ley – before he became Swami Nitty-Gritty – asked for all his karmain one fell swoopso he could be done and over with it. Soon after – June 22, 1955 – a friend asked him to fix his antenna on the roof of his 3-story home in Montreal. (Adano had previously worked for RCA,…

Roots of Solar Science / John & Vera Richter

John and Vera Richter operated the Eutropheons, 3 cafeterias serving raw plant food in Los Angeles for over 25 years. According to John T. Richter & Vera M. Richter, Nature the Healer, 1936, 1942, 1962 … “Fruits are not night foods. They should be eaten in the morning, because they are an eye-opener, a tonic,…

Roots of Solar Science / Lebensreform

The Growth Zones – Zones 1, 2, and 3 – of Swami Nitty-Gritty’s version of Solar Nutrition were known in ancient Egypt. Moses was introduced to the Solar Science and the Growth Zones while he lived there. “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in his words and deeds,”…

Open Phone Friday – Everything is in it’s proper place at it’s proper time – June 17, 2011

  THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   OPEN PHONE FRIDAY Show Highlights: -Getting more fermented foods, kefir and probiotics into our diets -What’s causing the recent spike in infant deaths in Philadelphia? -Everything is in it’s proper place at it’s proper time -Andreas Moritz was our guest yesterday. What exactly is this thing we…

Roots of Solar Science / Zi Wu Liu Zhu

Re: What is the original source of Time or Solar Nutrition? Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) maintained Solar Nutrition began 10,000 years ago in Mongolia. According to him, it was developed in what is now the Gobi Desert during the Solar Dynasty – a dynasty Indian historians associate with the ancient city of Ayodhya in Uttar…

Big Pharma’s Biggest Deception

According to John E. Sarno, M.D., The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders, 2006 … “It would appear that modern psychiatry has regressed back to the nineteenth century, when the predominant view of mental disorders was that they were either hereditary or due to brain disease. Freud had not yet introduced the idea that…

9 Good Things About Cholesterol

Oxidized, crystallized, precipitated cholesterol unexposed or underexposed to the Sun’s UV radiation is a legitimate threat to health, NOT circulating, ENERGIZED cholesterol. Cholesterol’s peroxidation residues and ozonolysis byproducts (atheronals) are far more dangerous than cholesterol per se. (1) Cholesterol prevents cancer, especially the metastasis of cancer. (2) Cholesterol is an antioxidant that actually protects against…

Ann Eller – Alien Visitations: Their Love, Guidance and Prophecies – Surviving the Pole Shift – June 13, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Ann Eller Author of Dragon in the Sky: Prophecy from the Stars Show Highlights: -Alien Visitations: Their guidance, love and prophecies -Ideas for Surviving the Coming Pole Shift -Reaching a Higher Consciousness -Entering Other Dimensions Ann Eller RN NP, Intuitive Counselor, and Author works with people to help…

Hydrated Cancer vs Dehydrated Aging

Cancer cells have a qualitative and persistent excess of potassium – as much as 66% – along with an equivalent excess in red blood cells and a deficiency in blood serum. The excess potassium in red blood cells and its deficiency in blood serum is related to the fact that red blood cells can contain…

Swami Nitty-Gritty on Butterfly Technique

Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) asked … “Have you ever seen a rotten butterfly? They don’t rot. “But you’ve seen a rotten caterpillar. They do rot. “I’ve stepped on many of them to prove it. “You see, nondecomposition of the butterfly is the nondecomposition mentioned in the scriptures. “It’s resurrection, mentioned in the scriptures. “It’s called…

Tomato Juice & Molasses / Liver Tonic

Tomato juice and molasses is a midday (Zone 2) tonic supplying iron and vitamin C for both the liver and small intestine when taken at Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 pm). My mother was diagnosed with liver cancer in 1983, and, in a matter of months, her stool turned completely white. Her appetite disappeared, and colonic…

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