Monthly Archives: July 2011

Bad Boy, Bad Boy & Karmic Payback

Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) warned, “Many people are ready to know their past lives, but few are prepared for it.” I asked him, “Is there really such a thing as reincarnation?” Swami Nitty-Gritty replied, “Each incarnation you only live once. Like the man said, ‘I don’t believe in reincarnation. Last incarnation, I didn’t believe in…

Dr. Murray Grossan M.D. – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist – Overcoming Stress To Relieve Allergy Symptoms – July 21, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with PATRICK TIMPONE Dr. Murray Grossan M.D. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Overcoming Stress To Relieve Allergy Symptoms Author of 3 Books -Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems Permanently -Stressed? Anxiety? Your Cure is in the Mirror -How to be Free of Sinus Disease Show Highlights: -What is the main reason…

Kenneth Anderson – HAMS: Harm Reduction for Alcohol – Learning To Drink Responsibly – July 20, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with PATRICK TIMPONE Kenneth Anderson HAMS: Harm Reduction for Alcohol A non dogmatic, non judgmental process to stop drinking gradually or even drink moderately for classic “Alcoholics” HAMS is a peer-led and free-of-charge support and informational group for anyone who wants to change their drinking habits for the better. The acronym HAMS…

Ecological Anthropology & Minerals

“Can you tell me which man is from southern Africa and which one is from the northern part of the continent?” Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) asked me, nodding in the direction of 2 men sitting at a nearby restaurant table. (We were driving from Houston to Dallas, where Swami Nitty-Gritty was scheduled to teach a…

Weight Gain & Cellulite

Cellular “weight” gain is demonstrated in any of the YouTube videos with titles approximating “marshmallows in a vacuum.” Note when the “cellulite” forms. Speed of pressurization, degree of temperature, amount of humidity, etc. help determine if the “cellulite” is temporary or “permanent.” It’s usually “permanent,” due to hydration, caloric burn rate, “nervous” system pressurization, etc….

Some Tantric Alchemy 101

Swami Nitty-Gritty said, “Too much aluminum causes Alzheimer’s disease. Too little loses an erection.” Aluminum oxide contributes to Alzheimer’s syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and osteoporosis – especially when it’s “out of time” with iron and manganese. The proper amount of aluminum – “in time” – is an essential growth factor. Gentlemen, aluminum also assists in keeping…

Dr. Jonathan Wright – Pioneer in Holistic Medicine and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy – July 18, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with PATRICK TIMPONE Dr. Jonathan Wright Pioneer in Holistic Medicine and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy You won’t want to miss this show! Dr. Wright explains clearly and in detail why natural medicines cannot be patented and therefore are not promoted as healing tools. Hint: It’s ALL about money.Dr. Wright goes on to…

Hormone Balancers (Including Colors)

The following foods and food combinations are hormone balancers. They particularly supportbuoyant sex hormones and facilitate conception and a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 am) is the time for Cobalamin Tonic, what Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) called a “hormone booster rocket.” It’s coffee, cocoa powder, and 100% pure maple syrup – best enjoyed…

What Is a Reichian Orgasm?

A Reichian orgasm – a complete orgasm – is neither … (1) partial or (2) precocious. It involves the pleasurable and involuntary movement of the entirebody from core (Yin) to periphery (Yang). If there’s no GOOSE BUMPS and niacin-like SEX FLUSH during sexual intercourse, there’s … (1) no Tantra and (2)deficient Kundalini. One vertebra short…

Open Phone Friday – Patrick Timpone – July 15, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with PATRICK TIMPONE OPEN PHONE FRIDAY Friday, July 15 -Detoxingwith thefar infrared sauna -Teaching your little ones the Truth -Grounding your home, computer equipment and even your sheets -Looking at challenges with love, not fear -Sustainable living -And a whole lot more open phones with patrick, july 15, 2011, hour one…

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work By Mike Adams (NaturalNews) As I’ve written about many times before, the cancer industry with all of its research, campaigns, and fundraising activities is really nothing more than a giant, corrupt business venture. As crazy as it might…

Are You Eating Photons or Chemicals?

Re: What about dopamine’s role in addiction? Dopamine is a wastebasket term for more than a QUADRILLION different chemicals. A minority of people eat the Solar Nutrition way, and only a handful of them really understand its nature and power. Eating Solar Nutrition and being initiated into Solar Nutrition are 2 different things. In the…

Zone 1 Aromatherapy Head Notes

Zone 1 morning essential oils – from 12:30 am to 12:00 noon – tend to have TOP NOTE vapor pressures – high volatility, high flash-off rates. Top note essential oils tend to float up to the morning Zone 1 treetops, hitching a hydraulic ride up the sap as if their droplets were microscopic hydrogen dirigibles,…

Rebounding for Cellular Buoyancy

Tracing your hand down your Conception Meridian (Ren Mai) weakens your body when you’re standing upright. An “energy worker” calls this “unzipping the meridian.” A soldier or police officer calls this “splitting the optical field.” Tracing your hand up your Conception Meridian strengthens your body when you’re standing upright. Hypnosis is always associated with the…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.