Daily Archives: November 1, 2011

Adya Clarity’s top distributor issues full apology, product recall

Adya Clarity’s top distributor issues full apology, product recall Monday, October 31, 2011by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger   (NaturalNews) Following days of shocking disclosures about the misleading labeling, fraudulent marketing and profiteering of a product called Adya Clarity, the product’s top distributor in North America, Raw Food World (Matt Monarch), has stepped forward to…

Open Phone Tuesday with Patrick Timpone featuring Your Questions and Comments – The Adya Clarity Controversy – November 1, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONES November 1, 2011 We will never let a website crash or a guest not showing up prevent us from bringing you a great show. We did miss Dr. Jubb, we’ll catch the wild doctor next month, but we had plenty to talk about today. According to the…

Swami Nitty-Gritty on Epilepsy

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty Gritty) said … “Epilepsy is carbon dioxide in incorrect regulation. “Epilepsy is a form of dynamic tension [Kundalini]. “The ovum gobbled up the sperm prematurely, and the mother blamed the father for getting her pregnant.” He also said … “Epilepsy is a lithium delivery problem. Lithium moving too fast causes epilepsy….

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