Monthly Archives: May 2012

Homeopathy Swings Both Ways

Homeopathy can kill as well as cure. The latest scientific buzz about OBESOGENS and ORGANOTINS update Samuel Hahnemann’s “like cures like” to the more holistic level of “like resonates with like.” Obesogens and organotins and their xenobiotic ilk are endocrine disrupting chemicals mimicking our normal biological processes at sub-nanogram (parts-per-trillion) levels. One nanogram per ton…

Ellen Landauer – Feeling Is Healing – Natural Alternative Health – May 10, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Ellen Landauer Health Coach, Researcher, Writer and Certified Advanced Rolfer May 10, 2012 Ellen Landauer is Health Coach, researcher and writer, as well as a Certified Advanced Rolfer (structural body therapist) with over 30 years of clinical experience. For most of her life, Ellen has experimented in-depth with a…

Still More Adano Ley & Applied Atomics

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) also said … “Nirvana is mindfulness – not an experience of nothingness – which produces biological memory forgetfulness.” “The anterior pituitary works by compression – glandular secretion. The posterior pituitary works by suction – nerve inhibition.” “Express 35 is the journey from tailbone to headbone. The spine is the altar of…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Sowing the Seeds of Revolution in the Fertile Soil of Discontent – May 9,2012

Andrew Gause The Real World of Money May 9, 2012 -The European Elections, all part of the plan perhaps -What’s important is the “Potential” liquidity of money -Why American’s sell gold when they are told to -And how exactly are they told when to sell gold and silver? -Cool movies to watch as homework -We…

After The Government Microchips Our Soldiers, How Long Will It Be Before They Want To Put A Microchip In YOU?

Michael Snyder, Contributor Activist Post What would you do if someday the government made it mandatory for everyone to receive an implantable microchip for identification purposes? Would you take it? Such a scenario may not be as far off as you might think. In the United States today, millions of dogs and cats have been…

More Adano Ley & Applied Atomics

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) also said … “Spirituality is the spiritualistic or elastic nature of God. Spiral, spirit, and spider come from the same root. The spider is a reflex of God. He spins the ‘web of Maya‘ through his belly, which is astral projection and the Tree of Knowledge. Everything he catches, he does…

Adano Ley & Applied Atomics

Here’s some meditation-related quotes of Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) … “A meditator should be able to listen intensely enough to hear the spinal fluid’s movement. The calcium in the spinal fluid produces music like a keyboard as it travels up and down the vertabrae.” “A mantram kinesiologically triggers environmental biophysics. A meditator tunes in on…

Psychologists demonstrate implanting non-believed false memories in troubling study

By Madison Ruppert Editor of End the Lie A recent study has found that people can have memories of events that never occurred implanted in a laboratory setting, even when they know that it never actually happened. Combining these findings with the reality of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA’s) hallucination-inducing technology and you…

The Large Intestine & Physical Immortality

The INDOLE is a fundamental part of longevity. It’s abacterial breakdown product of the indolic amino acid L-tryptophan, and there’s lots of it in the large intestine. The indole paradox is … (1) Indole causes cancer. (2) Indole cures cancer. Indole is responsible for the scent of jasmine, orange blossom, and feces. Indole is also…

Mehran Keshe, Nuclear Engineer -Energy Without Explosions and Healing the Body in a Highly Evolved Way – May 3, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Mehran Keshe Nuclear Engineer May 3, 2012 Nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe has been researching the universe, the interconnectedness of it all and taken the model to invent free energy, that doesn’t explode or burn things. He is using these technologies to place the body’s plasma field in a position…

Dannion Brinkley – Author, Speaker, Hospice Worker and Survivor of 3 Near Death Experiences – May 3, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dannion Brinkley Internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of spirituality, self-development and Complimentary and Alternative Medicine May 3, 2012 “Aspire to inspire before you expire”-Unknown We spent a wonderfully inspirational hour with Mr. Brinkley this morning which went by far too quickly. This show is a real…

Robert Wenzel – Editor and Publisher of Economic Policy Journal – His Speech to the NY Fed and His Case for Being on a Gold Standard – May 2, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Robert Wenzel Editor and Publisher of Economic Policy Journal -Talking about full bodied, (real money), to the players at the NY Fed is like talking with the Mayo Clinic about cleansing, herbs and emotional healing for cancer -Robert Wenzel predicted exactly what was going to happen in housing years…

More About Muscle Engram Testing

MUSCLE ENGRAM TESTING has more benefits than the ones I mentioned in myprevious blog entry. M.E.T. can find the GENDER SEED of any trauma without challenging a single muscle with a “muscle test.” 99 percent of all psychosomatic trauma is genderized, involving a HE or a SHE. One percent is THE … the origin of…

Dr. Beth Ley Ph.D – Nutritionist, Author, Publisher and Host of “Recipes For Life,” a healthy cooking show – Biblical Nutrition and Divine Healing – May 1, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Beth Ley, Ph.D Biblical Nutrition and Divine Healing May 1, 2012 Dr. Beth starts the show by giving us the facts about the need for sulphur in our diet, how we become depleted of it and how to replenish. She talks extensively about MSM which she calls the…

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