Daily Archives: May 9, 2013

Dr. Dan Cullum – Exploring the Latest Breakthroughs in Integrative and Alternative Health Care Techniques Including Ozone – May 9, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Dan Cullum Healing on the Cutting Edge   Dr. Cullum suffered a back injury that brought him into chiropractic care for healing, and that healing gave him the desire to want to help other people get well through chiropractic care. So, Dr. Cullum went on to attend…

A Key Predictor of Well-Being: Healthy Bowel Movements

  May 9, 2013 by KAREN FOSTER http://preventdisease.com/news/13/050913_A-Key-Predictor-of-Well-Being-Healthy-Bowel-Movements.shtml No one likes to talk about it, but regularity is absolutely imperative to good health. We need to exercise greater transparency and discussion when it comes to paying attention to our stools. When we accept that our bowel movements are key predictors to our well-being and as…

Taming Lyme Disease & Manganese With Timing

Re: What’s your take on Lyme disease? Don’t soak your seeds and nuts … except almonds. Don’t fight the phytate. Borrelia is the genus of bacteria that “causes” Lyme disease. Most viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and isoparasites (cancer cells) rely on iron to defend themselves against the human immune system. Iron withholding is an appropriate…

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