Monthly Archives: June 2013

Our Gut is our ‘Second Brain’: It Affects Mood and Health More than You Know

by Christina Sarich There are millions of neurons lining your gut almost as extensively as in your brain – do you think that might have something to do with your mood, your ‘intelligence’, and your overall health? Sometimes called the enteric nervous system, the stomach and intestines have a lot to say about how you…

The Next Generation (Gen 2) Of Gun Confiscation

The Global Elite scientists have sussed out a way to “let” us citizens “have” our firearms. It’s “complete weapons management from the sky” – embedded RFID for handguns, rifles, shotguns, etc. The “next generation of RFID technology” is referred to as Gen 2. Gen 1 RFID was “developed by EPCglobal, the not-for-profit, member-driven organization tasked…

Dick Van Dyke Mystery Illness Solved? Actor Blames Dental Implants

Dick Van Dyke thinks he has found the cause of his mystery illness and dental implants might have something to do with it. Last month, Van Dyke revealed he has been suffering from an undiagnosed neurological disorder for the past seven years. He told his Twitter followers he experiences a pulsing-sensation in his head coupled…

Inventor of Rotavirus Vaccine Wants To End Parental Exemptions For School Vaccinations

May 31, 2013 by DAVE MIHALOVIC Public health officials are routinely failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings. Greater powers are at work to make mandatory vaccination policies which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all. The inventor of…

GMO lose Europe – victory for environmental organisations

Investigative Reporting Denmark Monsanto will halt production of genetically modified corn in all of Europe, except Spain, Portugal and Czech republic. The agribusiness multinational states not to spend any more money on trials, development, marketing, court cases or anything else to get GM corn accepted in Europe. Quiet decision last year ”In Europe Monsanto only…

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