Monthly Archives: September 2013

Open Phone Friday – All We Want is the Truth in our Lives, and Nothing But the Truth – September 6, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY Show Highlights: -War: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Governments do nothing but take control and destroy -Joseph Bender was one of the more fascinating guests in the world of water. Check out the interview here -Are you getting enough water? Patrick shares Joseph Benders…

Mathematical Proof That Cooperative, Forgiving and Generous Populations Succeed In The Long-Term While Selfish Ones Fail

War is the epitome of a selfish and power hungry mentality that destroys the true spirit of humanity. University of Pennsylvania biologists offer a mathematically based explanation for why cooperation, forgiveness, altruism and generosity succeed in the long-term benefit of populations where selfish and disharmonious intentions fail. Their work builds upon the seminal findings of…

Essential Oils & Gravity/Light-Determined Geometry

Essential oils follow the Law of Signatures, known also as “anatomical alliteration” or “body geometric resonance.” The three Growth Zones of Solar Nutrition appear as … (1) head notes (top notes) (2) heart notes (middle notes) (3) base notes (bottom notes) Top note volatile oils tend to float up to the morning Zone One treetops,…

Joseph Bender – All the Mysteries of the Life Process Are Contained In Water – September 5, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Joseph Bender Founder and Acting President of the Institute of Advanced Water Sciences Joseph Bender has been a researcher, inventor and entrepreneur since early age, having started many successful companies implementing his ideas in the fields of entertainment, education, and health. For the past 20 years Joseph Bender…

It Is Unconstitutional to Attack a Country that Did Not Attack US, Says Rep. Yoho at House Hearing

September 5th, 2013 • 11:10 AM LAROUCHEPAC After over four hours of a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) made the clearest statement in the hearing. “I cannot, I will not, I shall not support intervention in this conflict,” Yoho declared. “Our action would be one of attacking a sovereign…

WHY IS THE BBC BANGING THE WAR DRUM ON SYRIA? JUST LOOK WHO RUNS IT   The BBC flagship news programmes, news channel, online news service and radio news outlets have spent several days in constant hysteria about the probability of a second vote on Syria, after parliament rejected military intervention last week. Why is the BBC obsessively attempting to answer a question only they are asking? A look…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – None Are More Hopelessly Enslaved Than Who Falsely Believe They Are Free – September 4, 2013

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Show Highlights: -Syria – Hear Andrew Gause’s take on why it is happening, the historical precedent, who’s controlling who and how the Syria bombing will affect the stock market, gold and silver, oil and freedom -Déjà vu all over again with The Highway of Death and Saddam Hussein…

Mind Is Superior to Both Matter & Energy

The good news about the New World Order’s experiments with psychokinetic warfare is two can play the same game. Most 21st Century war corporatists still consider the harnessing of telekinetic energy as Hubbardian science fiction despite their own extensive experimentation. Some of the Power Elite know it exists but regard it as tangential to their…

Patrick McGean – Oxygen is the Enemy of All Disease; Got Sulfur? – September 3, 2013

Patrick McGean Director of the Cellular Matrix Study Got Sulfur? Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes, and oxygen is necessary for healthy cellular regeneration in mammals. Plants, on the other hand, require carbon dioxide for cell regeneration, and plants can store sulfur, while man cannot. Man eliminates carbon dioxide, and plants eliminate…

Atom Bergstrom – There’s Multiple Solutions for Health; Cultivating Discretion and Figuring Out What’s Right for You – September 2, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Eating and Lifestyles for Longevity A Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles, Gosta Ingvar “ATOM” Bergstrom was raised in New Jersey and the San Fernando Valley of Southern California. Atom has been teaching workshops and seminars across…

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