Daily Archives: November 8, 2013

Obamacare – Medical and Financial Rape

drsircus.com Let me start this essay by saying I do not like rapists. In general, they get away with their dirty deeds, which come in many forms beyond the sexual. There are many ways to hurt people, with doctors, medical officials and the government itself getting into the act of finding dastardly ways of destroying…

4 Simple Ways to Detox Toxins from Your Body Comfortably

by Elizabeth Renter November 8th, 2013 When we think of a detox, most of us think of a slightly unpleasant and restrictive period marked by frequent bathroom visits, all done to rid the body of toxins built up overtime. While many detoxes can beunpleasant, they are ultimately helping to improve your health. Still, there are…

Breakthrough Converts Wi-Fi to Electric Power as Efficiently as Solar Panels

It’s possible to use this design for a lot of different frequencies and types of energy, including vibration and sound energy harvesting. —Duke University. How do you define free energy? A cheap device that converts freely available background radiation into energy to run gadgets or charge batteries? No fossil fuel needed. No turbines need to…

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