Daily Archives: June 22, 2017

Warburg Effect & Lactic Acidosis

Warburg Effect & Lactic Acidosis     By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Confusion outguns common sense when it comes to the Warburg Effect. <> Physiologist Otto Warburg (1883-1970) discovered … 1) cancer cells have a high rate of glycolysis followed by LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION 2) compared to normal cells having a low rate of glycolysis…

Rick Rule – Resource Investing in Solar, Agriculture and Mining Stocks – June 22, 2017

Rick Rule  President and CEO Sprott U.S. Holdings Inc.    Mr. Rule has dedicated his entire adult life to many aspects of natural resource securities investing. In addition to the knowledge and experience gained in a long and focused career, he has a worldwide network of contacts in the natural resource and finance worlds. As Director,…

Daniel T. DeBaun – The Health Risks of Mobile Technology – June 22, 2017

Daniel T. DeBaun Author of Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology The Health Risks of Mobile Technology According to former telecommunications industry executive Daniel T. DeBaun, the constant and ever-increasing exposure to Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) radiation emitted by cell phones, tablets, laptops, wi-fi and smart meters is one of the most critical health issues…

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