Trinity Bourne, Openhand Contributor
Waking Times

“We, who lived in concentration camps,
can remember the men who walked
through the huts of others,
giving away their last piece of bread.
They may have been few in number,
but they offer sufficient proof that everything
can be taken away from a man but one thing:
the last of the human freedoms-
to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances,
to choose one’s own way.”

Viktor Frankl – Auschwitz survivor

Are you free?

This quote, by Viktor Frankl, is deeply significant in embracing one of the deepest longings within humanity. It shows us how, even in the most inhumane conditions, that there is a personal freedom that nothing can take away. It is reminder, that the no matter what imprisons us (whether physical, emotional, psychological), we have a choice. No matter how our ‘prison’ has manifested itself externally, the real chains are created by our mind; they are created by what we identify with and ‘align to’ within our given circumstances.

There is a longing within each of us to break free. There is a longing for the free, unbridled expression of theSoul.

Steps to freedom

The first step to spiritual freedom is being profoundly honest with ourselves. This sounds easy, yet if it were so simple, and everyone were doing it, the world would not be in the state it is in today. If we are being honest within, then illusion falls away. We are liberated then to make aconscious choice. Nobody can deny ourselves self honesty, other than ourselves.

Each circumstance we encounter contains the seeds of our freedom. This is without exception, because the universe is designed that way. Whilst we are still imprisoned within the constructs of our own mind, situations will always provide challenges.

Why so challenging?

Why do we need it to be so difficult? The reason is, so that we can unlock the doorways and strip down the walls that keep us from being who we truly are. If it was easy, then we wouldn’t learn, we wouldn’t become aware. We wouldn’t know who we truly are beyond all of this. Without having to surrender; let go; touch the core of our Soul and feel ourselves beyond it; we aren’t free. Instead, our awareness remains trapped in a body-mind, lulled into a false sense of freedom and comfort… like pulling wool over your eyes, a bit like on the ‘Matrix’ movie – your life is really a program. The paradox is, that, this type of freedom, is not really a freedom at all. True freedom happens when we become aware of who we truly are, beyond the illusion. So, if it is tough; if it pushes you to your limit, then you are much closer to the Soul; much closer to liberation, than you might think.

Every experience an opportunity

It helps to see EVERY situation as a learning experience sent as an opportunity to unleash ourselves.

So what if buttons are pushed? Accept that buttons only exist because we have created them from our own inner tightness.

So you feel offended, hurt or unsupported? Then be honest to yourself about it. Ask yourself why you feel that way.

Stop looking outside.Look within. By blaming the outer world, your divine energy leaks; you throw it away; by looking outside, you will never find the answer.

Whatever the world appears to have done to you, the most important thing to remember is that – it can NEVER take away the light that shines in your heart.

When the “Light of the World” floods in

When it starts to feel divine (no matter how fleeting those moments may be), when your soul is stirred, when your heart is singing and the whole world appears magical – it is the light of YOUR heart that is alighting the whole world. Moments of soulfulness are moments of profound peace only because YOU have made a choice to allow the light of your heart to shine, illuminating the world around you.

We can make this choice in any situation! It’s a choice that never goes away. It is only every ourselves who can deny it. Think of Viktor Fankl… in the midst of nazi concentration camps, he made a choice. He dug ever deeper within and chose to align with the Light of his Soul.
We can muddy it, cover it, veil it, forget that it exists entirely, but it will always be there. It is this light that inspires people in the most tragic of circumstances. At times it appears that we have hidden it so deeply that it takes the most earth shattering of situations to glimpse it again.

When you are lost spiritually, emotionally, psychologically – it is this light at the core of your being that guides you home again.

The world begins to change

If your world is falling apart, whatever is going on, it is in making the choice to let your heart sing ‘NO MATTER WHAT’, then your world will change too. It has to. That is the nature or reality. The next step on the journey will light itself up – you will know what to do. Make sure you take that step. It takes courage, commitment and profound self honesty. Making this choice is making a commitment to your journey of evolution. You send out a beacon and the universe will inspire to support your journey. Everything around you will change as a result of your beingness. The world is illuminated by the light of your soul.

So, in a nutshell

  • Be profoundly honest with yourself
  • Find the light in your heart within the most challenging of situations
  • Allow the path to be illuminated by allowing your heart to sing
  • Follow it
  • Light the world

In Love and Light

This article originally appeared, a project to elevate the consciousness of man and provide healing to those in need.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


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