Atom’s Blog

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) listed iron, fluorine, silicon, carbon, and magnesium as the “five Basic Minerals allocated under the skin” …

(1) Iron is in the blood.

(2) Fluorine is a refrigerant.

(3) Silicon is in the bone.

(4) Carbon is in the tissue.

(5) Magnesium is in the nerve ends.

Adano assigned potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, calcium, manganese, and phosphorus as the “seven Basic Minerals allocated to skin.”

These seven “minerals” allocated to the skin regulate the seven “chakras” in the spine.

(1) Potassium activates the first endocrine acceleration (Matter acting on Matter), the Genital Eliminative Center.

(2) Sulfur activates the second endocrine acceleration (Energy acting on Matter), the Genital Reproductive Center.

(3) Sodium activates the third endocrine acceleration (Consciousness acting on Matter), the Abdominal Center.

(4) Chlorine activates the fourth endocrine acceleration (Energy acting on Energy), the Heart Center.

(5) Calcium activates the fifth endocrine acceleration (Consciousness acting on Energy), the Thyroid Center.

(6) Manganese activates the sixth endocrine acceleration (Consciousness acting on Consciousness), the Pituitary Center.

(7) Phosphorus activates the seventh endocrine acceleration (Beingness acting on Consciousness), the Pineal Center.

(These seven elements, plus the trace elements beryllium, neodymium, praseodymium, samarium, scandium, thulium, yttrium, and zirconium, are the subject matter of Solar Nutrition Four.)

A Fourth Level Master is a master of Cosmic Consciousness and Infinity, but not of Time and Death.

A Fifth Level Master is a master of Cosmic Consciousness, Infinity, Eternity, and Death.

A Sixth Level Master is a Manifest Master.

A Seventh Level Master is an Ascended Master.


'7 Minerals In the Skin & 7 Chakras In the Spine' have 3 comments

  1. February 24, 2014 @ 3:18 am atomb

    The Kundalini Energy in your SPINE is the water stored in your water faucet.

    The Cosmodyne Energy in your SKIN is the water stored in your reservoir.

    Don’t forget to pay your water bill.

    Check out my e-books at …

  2. February 25, 2014 @ 11:09 am sebs

    man oh man atom i’m getting that solar nutrition now.

    i spent all summer cooking my food with pieces of those exact metals. thulium, 69, is by far my favourite thing ever. it’s like the melting pot of seismic breakdown and integration. beyond words to me.

    • February 26, 2014 @ 1:45 am atomb


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