Re: What is a good way to measure alkalinity/acidity?

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) explained …

“The tongue should be slightly lubricated. A sticky tongue – like glue – is too acid. A dry tongue is too alkaline.”

Other than a visual inspection of the tongue, Emanuel Revici, M.D., proved acid-base balance can only be measured by using a minimum of 7 parameters …

(1) total blood potassium,

(2) intracellular potassium,

(3) extracellular potassium,

(4) urine pH,

(5) urine specific gravity

(6) urine surface tension, and

(7) nasal pH (or, second best, salivary pH).

An overacidic person usually has …

(1) a white coated tongue,

(2) cracked skin oozing yellow fluid and runny crystals, and

(3) a “wet” cough with an overflow of mucus.

An overalkaline person usually has …

(1) a red tongue which is often fissured,

(2) cracked skin with scale and no fluids, and

(3) a “dry” tickling cough with no mucus.

According to Adano …

(1) “drying out and cracking of the skin with crystalline secretions” is a symptom of acidosis, and

(2) “drying out and cracking of the skin without any crystalline secretions” is a symptom of alkalosis – “The skin breaks off or flakes, and the condition begins at the heel.”

Chronic hyperacidity results in a TUMOR, while hyperalkalinity results in an ULCER.

Adano said …

“This [acid-base] polarity changes every hour [with the alteration of the breath in the right and left nostrils].

“Very fast breathing is a hyper condition, or alkalinity.

“The breath comes in too soon.

“High blood pressure results.

“Breathing too slow is a hypo condition, or acidity.

“The breath comes in too late.

“The result is low blood pressure.”

19 of my e-books/e-booklets are available at …

You get a 10% discount when you order the “whole caboodle.” :)

[email protected]

FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at




'7 Tests For Acid or Alkaline' have 6 comments

  1. March 3, 2012 @ 2:16 pm atomb

    Moist climates usually produce acidic soils, and dry climates produce alkaline ones.

    Most deserts are dried-up alkali flats, while the lush foliage of mountain forests is due to acidic soil.

  2. March 4, 2012 @ 11:33 am atomb

    Re: To shrink a fast growing tumor, alkalinize the body as via the Gerson Therapy?

    Yes No Maybe.

    YES, alkalinity shrinks a primary tumor.

    NO, alkalinity spreads a metastatic tumor.

    MAYBE, alkalinity can flush a metastatic tumor into the open so metastatic suppressor proteins (nitrogen) and activated genes can destroy it.

    My 3 books about cancer are available at …

  3. March 5, 2012 @ 11:42 am Donna

    Hi Atom – I loved hearing you talk about acupuncture this am with Patrick. I practice Classical Acupuncture. My teacher, Jeffrey Yuen, is an 88th generation Taoist Priest whose goal is to bring the classics back. I’ve recently told him about you & your book! I will wait 2 weeks to set up an appointment with you – I;m looking forward to it. Thank you so much. Donna

    • March 5, 2012 @ 3:49 pm atomb

      Hi, Donna …

      Are you both located in San Francisco?

      Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) of Wudang Mountain is doing a meditation workshop there on March 31st.

      Tao willing and if the cricks don’t rise, I plan to be there for it. :)

      Info on Master Chen’s workshop is at

      PS: I may be moving to or near Walnut Creek, 25 or so miles from San Francisco.

  4. March 5, 2012 @ 3:10 pm justin

    Atom do any of your ebooks go into color yawning for trauma? I just ordered “Color Recycling” thinking it went into this subject matter.

    • March 5, 2012 @ 4:11 pm atomb

      Thanks, Justin …

      All the info on what the colors indicate is in the Color Recycling text, except I neglected to add the actual release technique …

      Yawning and stretching while thinking of the colors black, gray, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and white – in that order – from the color of lowest energy to the color of highest energy, followed by a “body-felt-good memory.”

      A “body-felt-good memory” is any pleasant memory, the earlier the better, back as far as childhood.

      It must be a PHYSICAL memory, the joy of swinging on a swing, swimming in the ocean, riding on a roller coaster, sunning on a beach, running home from school, etc.

      As a special or occasional therapy, Adano suggested eating red-pigmented foods on Monday, orange foods on Tuesday, yellow foods on Wednesday, green foods
      on Thursday, blue foods on Friday, indigo, purple, violet, ultraviolet, and black foods on Saturday, and white foods on Sunday.

      This schedule boosts the seven-day lipid immune response by aligning the biological circaseptan rhythm with the “social” circaseptan rhythm.

      COLOR IS A PSYCHOSOMATIC INDICATOR. A cell-realized (self-realized) man or woman has NO AURA.

      Edward O. Wilson (Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, 1998) wrote …

      “Languages with only two basic color terms use them to distinguish black and white. Languages with only three terms have words for black, white, and red. Languages with only four terms have words for black, white, red, and either green or yellow. Languages with only five terms have words for black, white, red, green, and yellow. Languages with only six terms have words for black, white, red, green, yellow, and blue. Languages with only seven terms have words for black, white, red, green, yellow, blue, and brown. No such precedence occurs among the remaining four basic colors, purple, pink, orange, and gray, when these have been added on top of the first seven. If basic color terms were combined at random, which is clearly not the case, human color vocabularies would be drawn helter-skelter from a mathematically possible 2,036 possibilities. The Berlin-Kay progression suggests that for the most part they are drawn from only twenty-two. At one level, the twenty-two combinations of basic terms are the dispersion of memes, or cultural units, generated by the epigenetic rules of color vision and semantic memory. In simple language, our genes prescribe that we see different wavelengths of light a certain way. Our additional propensity to break the world into units and label them with words causes us to accumulate up to eleven basic color units in a particular order.”

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