(1) Lung Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the lungs and hindbrain is during the time of Libra.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the lungs and hindbrain is during the time of Capricorn.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate lung and hindbrain tissue is during the time of Aries.
Note: The hindbrain (rhombencephalon), including the pons and medulla oblongata, is NOT the “reptilian brain.”
Lung Time of the day (3:00-5:00 a.m.) is the optimum time to access the brain’s pink matter (misnamed “white matter”).
(2) Large Intestine Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the large intestine and midbrain is during the time of Scorpio.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the large intestine and midbrain is during the time of Aquarius.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate large intestine and midbrain tissue is during the time of Taurus.
Note: The midbrain (mesencephalon) is NOT the “paleomammalian brain.”
Large Intestine Time of the day (5:00-7:00 a.m.) is the optimum time to access the brain’s melanin-rich dark matter.
(3) Stomach Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the stomach, breasts, and forebrain is during the time of Sagittarius.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the stomach, breasts, and forebrain is during the time of Pisces.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate stomach, breast, and forebrain tissue is during the time of Gemini (the “twins”).
Note: The forebrain (proencephalon) is NOT the “neomammalian brain.”
Stomach Time of the day is the optimum time to access the brain’s pinkish-tan matter (mislabeled “gray matter”).
(4) Spleen/Pancreas Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the spleen, pancreas, and lymphatic system is during the time of Capricorn.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the spleen, pancreas, and lymphatic system is during the time of Aries.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate spleen, pancreas, and lymphatic tissue is during the time of Cancer.
Note: The spleen is basically an enlarged lymph node.
Why are primary and metastatic tumors of the spleen so rare?
Why does an environmental temperature of 55 degrees slow the growth of cancer?
Why does hibernation stop the growth of cancer?
(5) Heart Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the heart and thymus gland is during the time of Aquarius.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the heart and thymus gland is during the time of Taurus.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate heart and thymus gland tissue is during the time of Leo
Note: Cooling the brain temperature increases the survival rate of heart attack victims.
(6) Small Intestine Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the small intestine is during the time of Pisces.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the small intestine is during the time of Gemini.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate small intestine tissue is during the time of Virgo.
Note: Small Intestine time of the day (1:00-3:00 p.m.) is a worldwide “Siesta Time.”
(7) Urinary Bladder Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the urinary bladder is during the time of Aries.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the urinary bladder is during the time of Cancer.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate urinary bladder tissue is during the time of Libra.
Note: The lungs and urinary bladder are related phylogenetically and ontogenetically to the “swim bladder” of fishes.
(8) Kidney Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the kidneys (esp. the left one) is during the time of Taurus.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the kidneys (esp. the left one) is during the time of Leo.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate kidneys (esp. the left one) tissue is during the time of Scorpio.
Note: The kidneys are sodium pumps related to the battery function of electric eels.
They also are related to the electrocommunication function of sharks, rays, and catfish.
A human being can store this electricity by wearing two pairs of silk socks – one white and the other black.
(9) Circulation/Sex Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the pericardium, reproductive organs, and right kidney is during the time of Gemini.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the pericardium, reproductive organs, and right kidney is during the time of Virgo.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate pericardium, reproductive organs, and right kidney tissue is during the time of Sagittarius.
Note: A dysfunctional Circulation/Sex Meridian is often responsible for “broken heart syndrome.”
(10) Triple Heater Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the hypothalamus, thyroid, and adrenal glands is during the time of Cancer.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the hypothalamus, thyroid, and adrenal glands is during the time of Libra.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate hypothalamus, thyroid, and adrenal gland tissue is during the time of Capricorn.
Note: Conventional acupuncture defines the Three Burners as the upper part of the body, the midsection of the body, and the lower section of the body.
(11) Gall Bladder Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the gall bladder is during the time of Leo.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the gall bladder is during the time of Scorpio.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate gall bladder tissue is during the time of Aquarius.
Note: Gall bladder attacks are often mistaken for heart attacks and the other way around.
“Gall” means bold, impudent behavior. A deer, noted for its timidity, has no gall bladder.
It takes “heart” (courage) to burp, but it takes “gall” (impudence) to fart.
(12) Liver Meridian …
The best time for a protocol to cleanse the liver is during the time of Virgo.
The best time for a protocol to increase the immunity of the liver is during the time of Sagittarius.
The best time for a protocol to maintain or renovate liver tissue is during the time of Pisces.
Note: The small intestine is the gateway to the liver..
The liver’s biliary cycle and its glycogen cycle are inverse to one another.
The liver’s biliary cycle is maximized at 2:00 p.m. and it’s glycogen cycle is maximized at 2:00 a.m.
Resting at both these times assists high-level wellness.
In conclusion …
(1) Don’t get too “OCD” about these times.
Nobody appreciates a “Solar Nutrition Nazi.”
Great Nature builds a lot of flexibility, overlap, and synergy into its organic systems.
(2) Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) warned against doing more than two “cleanses” a year.
Doing more than two can be a menace to your health.
(3) For more information on daily and seasonal timing, read …
Full-Spectrum Eating: Clockwork Biology & the Midnight-Noon Law (You Are WHEN You Eat).
It’s available at …
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