Abortion By Anatomical Pressurization

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Silva (not her real name) watched me Body Dowse her friend.

I realized she wanted a session too, and was working up the nerve to ask.

I also noticed her “abortion foot” geometry.

She asked for a session, and it “turned out” (turning her feet) that the left foot was far more pressurized than the right.

“What male do you have a trauma with?” I asked.

“Well, it could be my current boyfriend,” Silva replied.

“No,” I interrupted. “Tell me about the relationship before him.”

Her left leg stiffened up like a two-by-four.

“Well, yes, there was a problem, but I can’t tell you. It’s too personal and embarrassing.”

“You don’t have to tell me anything. Besides, I already know. What’s important is that you release it. So let it go right now and be done with it. Be free of it at last.”

Silva burst into tears, then told me her story.

A relative had recently let it slip that her mother had had an abortion.

Her mother had three children and one abortion, while Silva had three abortions and wanted one child.

I told Silva to drop the guilt — the anatomical geometry of her own feet predetermined her abortions.

Her subconscious prenatal trauma (shock) created the anatomical over-pressurization in her feet that caused, in turn and in time, the uterus to become pressurized by pregnancy and depressurized by abortion.

The additional pressure can cause either spontaneous or planned abortion.

Where’s the guilt in our make-up?


But our psychological reality of guilt (Swami Nitty-Gritty called it “self-guile”) removes us from the actuality of our physiological actuality of Body Language.

Paramahansa Yogananda warned us that the environment is stronger than our will power.

So did G.I. Gurdjieff, who advised us to align ourselves with planetary forces, using environmental momentum to redirect it for our own advantage and high-level wellness.

This might be called Cosmic Aikido.

God is Being-ness acting on Being-ness, not Consciousness acting on Consciousness.

'Abortion By Anatomical Pressurization' have 4 comments

  1. August 26, 2015 @ 3:56 pm Atom

    Body Language is contagious.

    Sickness or wellness are transmitted by what Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) named Geometric Body Resonance.

    Adano called this vibratory interface Sounding Board Technique.

  2. August 26, 2015 @ 3:57 pm Atom

    “Chronic muscular tension in different parts of the body constitutes the prison that prevents the free expression of an individual’s spirit. One finds these tensions in the jaw, the neck, the shoulders, the chest, the upper and lower back and the legs.” — Alexander Lowen

  3. August 28, 2015 @ 6:50 am John

    Hi Atom, what is the difference between the prismer of love slow and fast speeds ?

    • August 29, 2015 @ 8:35 am Atom

      You’re probably referring to the regular speed and fast speed, John.

      According to Swami Nitty-Gritty, the fast speed Prism-er is for sick people, the regular speed is to be listened to for a full year before graduating to the slow speed Prism-er, then comes the slow double Prism-er, the very slow Prism-er, the very slow double Prism-er, and, finally, the extremely slow Prism-er. :)

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