Ivy (not her real name) watched intently while I did a Recycling session with her friend.
I sensed Ivy wanted a session too, and was getting up the nerve to ask.
Her shoes were off, and I noticed she had what Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) called an “abortion foot.”
Ivy asked for a session, and her LEFT foot was far more pressurized than her right.
Her LEFT eye also “twitched” episodically.
I asked (yet already knew the details from Body Language Analysis), “What male do you have a trauma with?”
Ivy replied, “Well, it could be my current boyfriend.”
There was NO muscle response.
“No,” I said. “Tell me about the relationship before him.”
Ivy’s LEFT leg stiffened considerably.
“Yes, there was a problem, but I can’t tell you about it. It’s too personal and embarrassing.”
I said, “You don’t have to tell me anything. Besides, I already KNOW. What’s important is that you release and resolve it. So let it go right now, and be done with it. Be free of it at last.”
Tears came to Ivy’s eyes, and out poured a story of multiple abortions and her failed attempts to have a child with her current boyfriend.
I urged Ivy to drop the guilt. The pressurization geometry of her own left foot transferred the pressure to her uterus, greatly increasing the odds of either a spontaneous abortion or a planned one.
Form follows energy, but once form is created, energy follows form – like water down a river bed.
(No, I won’t reveal the shape of an “abortion foot.” An inexperienced person might mistake other reflex pressurization geometries for it.)
'Abortion Foot Reflex Geometry' have 4 comments
June 8, 2011 @ 1:48 am shellinspector
Hi Atom,
Interesting story. What it leads me to think about is the way “crime and punishment” is at work in form of traumas. Some action, thought, emotion of the past is never a thing of the past, it lives into now and into the future.
How, why did the causing event appear in the first place? Thats because, there was another trauma, unresolved conflict before that. That’s the way it often works, that old traumas cause people to dig themselves into newer traumas. Could we not call it a sin, a karma?
I know it has not become fashionable to talk and accept the concept of sin. That’s in part the result of abusive church of the past. Falsely proud, a person says: “There is no sin, no one will make me feel bad about myself!” Yet everyone reaps the consequences of traumas throughout their lives, hoping pills, herbs or gymnastics and quitting smoking are the key.
Now, I believe Ivy, committed serious sins with abortions. However, in Vedic wisdom, her portion of sins is at max 10%. (Still heavy) The remaining 90% will lie on the shoulders of her husband, boyfriend, relatives and ultimately country and society. And even though they may not suffer the burden right away, just like Ivy, the will suffer and suffer badly, in this or next lives.
Asking Ivy to drop the guild, is also, in my humble opinion, “too quick too easy” to make it work. We are not talking about dropping heavy backpack she wears on her back. And even though you did a great job identifying her problem and showing her a way in the right direction, the advice Ivy needs is to turn inside, contemplate, turn to the religious tradition she feels most comfortable with and pray, pray, pray…
June 8, 2011 @ 3:35 pm atomb
“Sin” is an old archery term for “missing the mark” – hhat’ta’th’ in Hebrew and hamartia in Greek.
Karma is classical mechanics – Newtonian physics.
Grace is quantum mechanics – quantum physics.
In the words of Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) …
“When we were in the first chakra, we called it SIN.
“In the second chakra, we called it CRIME.
“In the third chakra, we called it NEUROSIS.
“Now, in the fourth chakra, we call it NUTRITION.
“In the fifth chakra, we will call it MAGNETISM.”
June 9, 2011 @ 1:53 am shellinspector
I agree, the term used, whether “sin” “trauma” or “neurosis” is secondary. The important fact is that our thoughts and actions confine us to carry out the full consequence of these thoughts and actions. Just like you said, Atom, a trauma is some action not completed to its fullness.
Everything we reap as traumas are inseparable from the actions, thoughts and emotions of before. The circle has to complete, and resolution of traumas that tries to ignore and cast off the unpleasant arc of this circle achieve little, and even can make things worse. Let the circle complete, go into your trauma, feel the pain it gives you. The pain, when taken with honor and humble acceptance, is in fact God’s hand of help that lets circle complete.The bad karma is burned right away and not postponed to surface up later in form of incurable disease, violence or catastrophes, seemingly coming out of nowhere.
In any case, finding out what trauma is, through knowledgeable people like yourself, Atom, through meditation or in any other God sent way is priceless!
June 9, 2011 @ 2:33 pm atomb
I often vacillate between 2 points of view …
My Austin friend Greg Whiteley put it, “You either believe in victims or you believe in karma. You can’t believe in both.”
Then there’s the guy who remarked, “I don’t believe in karma. There’s too much of it.”
Thanks for your valuable insights! :)