Here’s some meditation-related quotes of Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

“A meditator should be able to listen intensely enough to hear the spinal fluid’s movement. The calcium in the spinal fluid produces music like a keyboard as it travels up and down the vertabrae.”

“A mantram kinesiologically triggers environmental biophysics. A meditator tunes in on the ‘vibes.’ Vibes are goosebumps, the biological stimulation of the pores. God is pure physics.”

“The human brain is the only mechanism that can trigger atomic energy by thinking via the cerebrospinal fluid.”

“The ‘third eye’ works exactly like a slide projector. Collective principles are pulled together to focus.”

“Meditation is continuous motor relaxation induced by oxygenation to slow down the brain, inducing magnetic flow.”

“Meditation is psychophysiological immunity to memory playback from previous lives.”

“The skull is an inter-resonance chamber. Metal is responsible for head resonance.”

“Iron is necessary for the actualization of the ‘third eye.'”

“Geometric purple lights are ionic reflections of atomic physics made manifest through correct nutrition.”

“Enlightenment and genius are directly related. Synchronization with light is the source of knowledge. A genius’s brain is two-and-a-half seconds faster than the ordinary brain.”

“Mind is brainwave acceleration, which is motion.”

“Mind doesn’t want to discern. It’s too busy getting involved and attached.”

“Ego is a biological electromagnetic short circuit. There is no communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.”

“The suspension of consciousness occurs in the brain’s corpus callosum. That’s the Paramahansa, which means ‘highest swan.'”

“The only genuine spiritual experience is a sense of responsibility.”

“God is the exception to the rule because of the convection return of mass to motion. Never try to confine God to a rule because he’s too smart.”

“A realized man cannot be responsible for the level of your ignorance.”

“God’s own momentum is the exception to the rule. We speed up at a curve if we trust the laws of physics.”

“Mastery is the ability to hold focus on three forces at once.”

Kundalini is the ejaculation of the vagus nerve.”

“Shivering breaks mental blocks. Shivering is an oscillation principle. Kundalini Yoga is a take-off.”

Kundalini is the spasmic action of the vagus nerve.”

“The pineal gland is a transceiver.”

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'Adano Ley & Applied Atomics' have 7 comments

  1. May 6, 2012 @ 2:32 pm atomb

    Re: I have the white markings of salt rings or cholesterol rings around both eyes.

    Solar Nutrition can help undo it.

    Cholesterol can be put back into suspension.

    For example, saponins are natural detergents found in all three Growth Zones.

    Emotions are perhaps even more crucial.

    I knew someone who cried away his arteriosclerosis … from an 83% occlusion to 54%.

  2. May 6, 2012 @ 4:38 pm Ryan

    My gosh, what wisdom! …no further commentary needed!

  3. May 7, 2012 @ 10:45 am Ryan

    “Mastery is the ability to hold focus on three forces at once.”

    Please remind me what the three forces are that Adano is referring to in this quote?

    • May 7, 2012 @ 12:07 pm atomb

      It’s Yes, No, Maybe in the form of positive, negative, and neutral – Input, Output, Throughput

      Swami Nitty-Gritty called it Yin, Yang, Ning.

      The Hegelian dialectic of Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis is an example (although Hegel had little to do with it; this triad was developed by Johann Gottlieb Fichte).

      Gurdjieff’s Sacred Law of Triamazikamno is another example — Holy Affirming, Holy Denying, Holy Reconciling.

      Swami Nitty-Gritty knew that polarity acts in an environmental field, so he said …

      “The universe is not Yin, Yang. It’s Yin, Yang, Ning. It’s Yin, Yang, Ning, Ground. Win some, lose some, rain out some, break even some more, and deductible bankruptcy is superprofit.”

  4. May 7, 2012 @ 12:39 pm atomb

    Re: Did you say selenium can help develop psychic abilities?

    I prefer the word “intuition.”

    One of selenium’s several allotropes is called “metallic selenium,” which is a poor conductor of electricity in the dark but can increase its conductivity up to a thousandfold in direct sunlight.

    It’s a photoconductor, transforming light energy into electrical energy.

    That’s why metallic selenium is used in photoelectric cells found in automatic door openers, robotic sensors, light meters, and photocopy machines, laser printers — and selenium cells were even used in Alexander Graham Bell’s “photophone,” which transmitted sound over a light beam way back in 1880.

    Selenium is used in rectifiers because it can convert AC to DC.

    Capsaicin (the active ingredient in cayenne pepper) is combined with metallic selenium to stabilize irradiated food.

    Selenium-rich brewer’s yeast sprinkled with a little cayenne pepper offers radiation protection at midday.

    • May 7, 2012 @ 12:49 pm atomb

      There’s other elements (e.g., silver) sensitive to light too, so Swami Nitty-Gritty said …

      “Use selenium to stabilize silver, like in photography. Copper, selenium, and antimony, in that order, are necessary for maintaining balance in the bones for flexibility and proper bonding effect.”

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