Here’s more Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) quotes …

“‘And’ is going on, and ‘forever’ is to wish for it to go on. Breath is ‘and.’ It doesn’t manipulate, possess, or prognosticate.”

“Aging is suspended if the hormones are on time.”

“A hormone is music – harmony.”

“The anterior pituitary provides the harmony.”

“Our lungs which art in our chest, hallowed be the resonance of my tongue, thy command be thy burp.”

“The lungs take precedence over the brain.”

“The life principle is pressured into us.”

“Sonics is totally noncommunicative until it matches – resonates.”

“‘Sin’ means out of synchronicity.”

Maya is an optical illusion generated by terminology.”

“I, my cell, am Haven and Held.”

“You are a sonic guided organism in he unified state while in utero. Tropha is the agent behind sonic guidance.”

“The length of time between cutting the cord and the mouth in the breast is the anguish pattern for a person who is greedy for more than others.”

“The electrical body is composed of 19 elements. The magnetic body is made up of 35 elements.”

“The total volitional movement of the cells is at your control in the delta [brain wave] state.”

“The pineal gland is the beam of light. The hypothalamus is the film, which is oxygenation. The anterior pituitary is the screen.”

“Magnesium is in the posterior portion of the pituitary gland. Iron is in the anterior portion.”

“The camera is the rods and cones. The aperture is the eyelids. The cellular negative is in the hypothalamus. Acetic acid – vinegar – develops the film.”

“Acetic acid is formed by grain vinegar. It’s for memory. Malic acid helps retain brain images.”

“For memory, eat an almond and pickle at midnight.”

“Eat sardines and a dill pickle at Kidney Time. The calcium in the sardine and silicon in the dill pickle is for inner vision.”

“Silicon cools the brain – cool as a silicon cucumber.”

“A healing crisis is caused from residual transportation from one point of the anatomy to another.”

“Big supercharger corpuscles are released by pain.” (These are the same corpuscles that eat away dental caries.)

“It takes a pain to chase a pain.”

“Pain is in altered states of immunity. The higher the pain threshold, the higher the immunity becomes.”

“Oxygen is consciousness. It is the biocellular resonance in the rhythm of constriction and dilation.”

“Are you a Master of Life or a Student of Life?”

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'Adano Ley on Consciousness & Superimmunity' have 7 comments

  1. May 27, 2012 @ 4:14 pm atomb

    Re: Do not mistake the scar tissue and internal contractions as the TRACTION that heals back to soft and round and compliant.

    A cancer cell is an elongated, out-of-round cell – traction and tissue shear.

    Traction causes two extreme kinds of tissue remodeling – cancer and pregnancy.

    The second is our highest choice.

    Compaction is a natural defense against elongation – a constricted pupil is a defense against cancer, not just an example of parasympathetic dominance.

    Ditto lung constriction and scar tissue as a defense against inflammation (hypoxia).

  2. May 27, 2012 @ 4:37 pm atomb

    In my final phone conversation with Dr. J.E. Phillips (before he went on his Cosmic Vacation), he said he had recently proved giant white cells (macrophages) could be activated to eat away dental caries.

    Years before, Swami Nitty-Gritty had said …

    “Big supercharger corpuscles are released by pain.”

  3. May 29, 2012 @ 10:47 am Ryan

    “Pain is in altered states of immunity. The higher the pain threshold, the higher the immunity becomes.”

    Hi Atom, The above is what I was trying to get at a few weeks back when I questioned/posted on pain and meditation.

    : )


    • May 29, 2012 @ 9:29 pm atomb

      Swami Nitty-Gritty said, “Smart or stupid, rich or poor, ugly or beautiful, male or female have an energy output of thirteen suns. Pain taps this energy output.”

      Maybe I’ll soon do a blog entry about PAIN and its relationship to immunity and consciousness. :)

  4. May 30, 2012 @ 1:04 pm RadioGuGu

    “out of synchronicity”??? ANYThing, EVER???!!! Ever? ; )

    • May 30, 2012 @ 2:57 pm atomb

      Synchronicity is photo-finish, when two horses come in at the same time.

      Nirvana is when ALL the horses come in at the same time.

      At least that’s how Swami Nitty-Gritty explained it to me back in my I Ching days.

      • May 30, 2012 @ 9:29 pm Ryan

        I LOVE THIS!! This guy was just a fountain of wisdom!

        Also, for the future pain blog – perhaps going into a little bit more of the concept of “pain as an unfinished memory bank” as described in the BUTTERFLIES Volumes….and why, how or if at all an unfinished memory bank relates in some way to superimmunity or “the energy output of thirteen suns….”

        : )

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